I’m looking for a good way to parse numbers entered into a listbox cell, converting them into doubles. The numbers can be in either American or European format (so the decimal point and thousands separators are different). In most cases I do know which system is being used, but my mind has wandered off today and it suddenly seems complicated to get this text back to a double.
The most difficult seems to be to remove the thousands separators, after which you want to turn the European comma into a dot, and your are set to use CDbl.
So if I know it’s european format, a simple ReplaceAll(".", “”) followed by ReplaceAll(",", “.”) should do it, right? Assuming that a period is the thousands separator.
I just realized the easy way to find out the replacements is to make a string using FORMAT with thousands and see what Xojo uses, then do the same thing with a decimal.
Are there any other tricky things I should know about, or is it really that straightforward?
[quote=285656:@John McKernon]I’m looking for a good way to parse numbers entered into a listbox cell, converting them into doubles. The numbers can be in either American or European format (so the decimal point and thousands separators are different). In most cases I do know which system is being used, but my mind has wandered off today and it suddenly seems complicated to get this text back to a double.
In general (France, Germany, Spain, Italy… ), the thousands separator is coma. BUT in Switzerland it is single quote. There may be other local peculiarities.
FUNCTION cleanNumber(s:String) as String
var ThouSep = replaceAll(format("9,999"),"9","") // should return comma for US and dot for Europe?
var DecSep = replaceAll(format("9.99"),"9","") // should return dot for US and comma for Europe?
// should remove thousand seps and change decimal indicator to dot
return s
That looks pretty much like what I was figuring I’d have to do, I’m putting together a test project to send my european beta testers and see if we’ve finally got it right.
[quote=285673:@John McKernon]That looks pretty much like what I was figuring I’d have to do, I’m putting together a test project to send my european beta testers and see if we’ve finally got it right.
NO Michel was wrong
Just use CDBL which behaves correctly
Failing that use Double.Fromtext with a specific locale
Either one should work