Hi people.
I’ve been messing about for a good while now and being blocked by something that must be really elementary, but that I"m not seeing . I’m trying to parse an xml file structured as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<PartyName>My Company Name</PartyName>
<MessageRecipient>Recepient Name</MessageRecipient>
<Title>This is the Title</Title>
<Comment>Some sort of comment</Comment>
There’s only 1 “Entry” (Entry1) in my example, but in practice there could be dozens! I will be using loops and all to deal with those, but my problem is to access a given value, for instance, If I want to read Entry1/Eno, I would hope to get “ABC0123456”.
I do something like:
Var nodeIwant As XmlNode = xml.DocumentElement.Child(2).Child(1).Child(0)
Var txt As Variant = nodeIwant.Value
MessageBox nodeIwant.ToString
I get ABC0123456 with the tags, not just the text.
What am I doing wrong ? I’ve messes about with all sorts of combinations, but I’m not getting it.
Can someone there help me please ? Thanks in advance.