osascript open "Mail" with new mail -> syntax error

Today I am exploring osascript and I am trying to open Mail with a new message prepared for sending:

This works in the terminal
/usr/bin/osascript -e ‘tell application “Mail”’ -e ‘set msg to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:“Test”, content:“Test2”, visible:true}’ -e ‘tell msg to make new to recipient with properties {address:“me@my.com”}’ -e ‘end tell’

How do I do the same with the Xojo shell?
The below returns syntax error (on the sh.Execute line). Well, hm, yes, I get it, but where is the syntax error on that line? Or am I doing something that is not possible?

dim sh as new shell sh.Mode =1 sh.Execute "osascript -e 'tell application "Mail"' -e 'set msg to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Test", content:"Test2", visible:true}' -e 'tell msg to make new to recipient with properties {address:"me@my.com"}' -e 'end tell'" msgbox str(sh.Result)

Doubling the quotes did it. Funny I managed to solve it just after posting the above message. I did fiddle for hours before that…

sh.Execute "osascript -e 'tell application ""Mail""' -e 'set msg to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:""Test"", content:""Test2"", visible:true}' -e 'tell msg to make new to recipient with properties {address:""me@my.com""}' -e 'end tell'"

Forgive me for asking. -Why the double quotes?

Because you are in a string. There the quotes need to be doubled.