I’ve been reading through the documentation and cannot seem to find the answer to my question, which is “how do i launch an OpenFileDialog with only specific files being shown”? Our business uses a CaseNumber system and each Case has multiple PDF documents associated with the CaseNumber.
I want to launch an OpenFileDialog box and see only those files for a particular case (e.g., 1890_wks.pdf / 1890_inst.pdf / 1890_coc.pdf etc).
I can launch the OpenFileDialog and see all the files in the specified directory/folder, but I cannot seem to figure out how to limit the files being displayed to only those files/documents for a particular CaseNumber.
The code I’ve been using that gets me a list of all files in the directory:
Var opendialog As New OpenFileDialog
Var fFolder As FolderItem
fFolder = New FolderItem(app.strCaseNum + “.*”)
fFolder = opendialog.ShowModal
Do you already have a filetype? Then this code should be enough:
dim theDialog as new OpenFileDialog
theDialog.PromptText = kSelectView
theDialog.Filter = FileTypes.DB
dim theFolderitem as FolderItem = theDialog.showModal
As Beatrix suggests, define a file type to act as the filter. However, I have had issues with global FileTypes defined in the navigator. I have the most success when defining it in code immediately before using it.
var ft as new FileType
ft.Name = "PDF"
ft.Extensions = ".pdf"
var od as new OpenFileDialog
od.Filter = ft
var fSelect as FolderItem = od.ShowModal
if fSelect = nil then return // User cancelled
I noticed an error in my code - specifically, the fFolder = NewFolderItem line should read as follows:
fFolder = NewFolderItem(app.strCaseNum + “_.*.pdf”) because each saved file has the following format: CaseNumber_docType.pdf (e.g., 1807_wks.pdf / 1807_coc.pdf)
OK, now that we have my code errors straightened out, I still am not clear about how (or if) I can accomplish what I’m looking for. When my app.strCaseNum variable = ‘1807’ I want to get the OpenFileDialog box to display something like:
I’m trying to achieve the same listing as “ls 1807_*.pdf” would be from the command line.
Is this possible in XOJO ??
No, you have to filter out non-relevant results using declares or plugins. The best Xojo can do out of the box is filter to “all PDFs”, but not “only things matching this name pattern”.
Tim, I assume that if I changed my directory/folder structure so that each Case had it’s own directory/folder that I could point a FolderItem at that case-specific directory and simply list its complete contents (which would be case-specific).
if you have a base directory maybe you can save the path in a configuration.
from this path list all files with the help of FolderItem and memory it into a array.
if you change the case number use a DesktopListBox to list all files with this number.
you could store the original FolderItem object in RowTag.
collecting all related files into a Case folder is also good but if you need to move the files they may have same name.
In this repo there is an event called NSSavePanel_ShouldEnableItem that can be used by both the Open & Save dialogs. I did a little experiment to see if I could filter a list of files by checking if the file name contains a specific string value (text or numbers) and a specific extension (*json in this case). It appears to work.
Private Function NSSavePanel_ShouldEnableItem(obj as NSSavePanelGTO, f as FolderItem) As Boolean
// In an Open Panel, this event fires for every item in the panel
// In a Save Panel, this event fires only for directories
// It does not appear that you can enable items that are disabled by the filter
// you must return true for the passed item to be enabled
If f.Directory And Not f.Visible Then
Return False
ElseIf f.Name.Contains("03") And f.Extension = "json" Then
// custom filtering based name containing specific string value
// and specific extension
Return True
End If
Return False // to not enable any other kind of file
End Function
If you only need macOS, this could work for you. But if you need Windows too, then I think MBS will be the way to go, or a Windows Declares equivalent.