What is the proper way to open a Word 2010 template so that users can open a template to create a local copy as a new document (prohibiting users from modifying the original document)?
Using the code below opens *.docx and *.dotx files the same, users can open and modify/save the opened document (unless it is set or opened as read-only).
Is there an open method that will trigger Word’s “New” event when opening a template so that word will create a new document when opening the template file?
I am using Xojo 2013r2 (windows) w/MSOfficeAutomation plugin and Word 2010 on a Windows XP SP3 workstation.
dim Word as new WordApplication
dim wDoc As WordDocument
dim f As FolderItem
wDoc = Word.Documents.Open("p:\\macros\\word2010\\wpforms\\fax.dotx")
Word.Visible = True
Word = Nil
Exception err as OLEException
MsgBox err.message