Anyones has experimented that the open/file dialog takes longer to open? Not always, seems aleatory.
X 2021 r1
Mojave 10.14.6
Sometimes even a ghost window appears for several seconds and then it converts to the standard open/save file dialog.
Anyones has experimented that the open/file dialog takes longer to open? Not always, seems aleatory.
X 2021 r1
Mojave 10.14.6
Sometimes even a ghost window appears for several seconds and then it converts to the standard open/save file dialog.
I have that problem since Mojave (and I’m currently using Catalina, and have the same problem).
It seems to have something to do with iCloud drive.
If you turn it off, the delay is gone.
Of course, most people (me included) need it turned on.
Some workarounds include killing a process (forces it to restart) but I can’t remember what is that process. Anyway, it will soon revert to the same delay with Open and Save dialogs.
Thank you, I’ll try to turn it off.
You’re not calling it from within a non-main thread, right?
No, no. It should be “feature” of the MacOS. Since Raul post I check other apps and it happen also occasionally.
We’ve seen the same for years when opening a file dialog from (say) Excel while on a networked system that exposed networked drives in businesses.
I have not not noticed until recently, I though since 10.14.6, but no sure.
Warning if you disable iCloud Drive, it will eat your files in the Desktop and Documents folders.
It’s best to move these to a different location, before you disable iCloud Drive. I’ve had it happen to me twice within a year.
Apple continuing with adding new bugs. Now they are on the data loss side. How confident will using Apple softwares be next month?
It’s more and more scary, honestly.
This delete your files if you disable iCloud Drive isn’t a new bug. It’s been complained about since Sierra.
I only encountered it when I did a slow migration to Catalina last year, and when I logged into iCloud under Big Sur (as I hadn’t setup iCloud on my macBS partition) this year.
Ah, ok. I’ve never used iCloud Drive, in fact.
There are so much bugs in recent versions of Mac OS that knowing the date/OS version each appeared in is rather pointless
Those pleasant surprises…
iCloud stopped synchronising for me one day on BS. No error given. Just no files in iCloud anymore. They were archived and I have backups. But iCloud is now useless for me.
Yes, it seems that disabling iCloud all go back to normal.
So your existing files have been deleted and never synced back, even manually (drag&drop from the Finder wouldn’t work?)?
Funny… On Macs, backups are now more useful against bugs in the OS than for preventing losses from failing hard disks
iCloud Drive always has been useless for me too. But the rest of iCloud still is nice.