OmegaBundle 2018 ends 10th September

September 10 :smiley:

Just 3 days left!

No worries. If you miss it, you can just buy the items later - at their regular prices.

It seems that it’s not just Americans who don’t get British sarcasm :wink:

Now we know the date, but how about the Time Zone? :wink:

Well, the usual trick with time zones is to tell date x and close on x+1 when you get in the office in the morning.

Paradigma Software is located on the Left Coast in marijuana legal Oregon. So the zone is always, like now, man.

Yes, the time has come - FINAL DAY!

A big thank you to all Omegabundle customers!! There are good news coming to you from the GuancheMOS plug-in side (and HTMLColorizer too) So if you haven’t bought it already… you’re still on timw! Don’t miss it!
