OLEObject with Items problem

I have trouble with get Item 1, Item 2, Item 3… objects.
Inside of OLEObject there is structure as follow:
||------------- Application => PROG
||------------- Count = 3
||------------- Name = “Documents”
||------------- Item 1 (OleObject)
||------------- Item 2 (OleObject)
||------------- Item 3 (OleObject)
This I can see in VB6 Locals window.

My code is as follow:
Dim PROG As New OleObject(“PROG.Application”) -> OK
PROG.Value(“Visible”) = True -> OK, PROG comes visible
Dim Document As OLEObject = get_OLEObject(PROG, “Documents”) -> OK

Dim sName As String = Document.Value(“Name”) -> give me sName = “Documents”
Dim iCount As Integer = Document.Value(“Count”) -> give me iCOunt = 3

Dim Item As OLEObject = get_OLEObject(Document, “Item 1”) -> OLEException

The last one always give me error OLEException
I tried pass Item, Item1, Item 1, Items with arrays and no success, can anybody suggest me something?
I will be very priced.
Thank you and best regards,

Function get_OLEObject(Item As OLEObject, Valor As String) As OleObject
Dim v As Variant

v = Item.Value(Valor)

If v IsA OLEObject Then
Return OLEObject(v.ObjectValue)
Return Nil
End If
End Function

Ups. No suggestion?


I will try to give some different example.
I have the same problem, with OleObject(“Excel.Application”)

|------- (…)
||------------- ActionControl
||------------- Count
||------------- (…)
||------------- Item 1 (OleObject)
||------------- Item 2 (OleObject)
||------------- Item … (OleObject)
||------------- Item 154 (OleObject)

And the problem is that I have no way to get Items objects

Dim EXCEL As New OleObject(“EXCEL.Application”) -> OK
EXCEL.Value(“Visible”) = True -> OK, EXCEL comes visible
Dim CommandBar As OLEObject = get_OLEObject(CommandBar, “CommandBArs”) -> OK

Dim iCount As Integer = CommandBar.Value(“Count”) -> give me iCOunt = 154

Dim Item As OLEObject = get_OLEObject(CommandBar, “Item 1”) -> OLEException

Function get_OLEObject(Item As OLEObject, Valor As String) As OleObject
Dim v As Variant = Item.Value(Valor)
If v IsA OLEObject Then Return OLEObject(v.ObjectValue) Else Return Nil
End Function

Once again thanks,

Dim Item As OLEObject = CommandBar.item(1)


I have no words…
Yes indead its that way.
The problem is thats my first time with OLEObjects and with Tab key there wasn’t Item option to choose.
Thank you very much,
Best regards