Old RealStudio Apps Appear Blurry in Xojo Debugger

Hi All,

I’ve been away for a long time, please forgive me if I’m asking an FAQ. I did search the forums but was not able to find a solution.

I’ve decided to evaluate Xojo for a couple of new applications as well as to revisit older Realstudio projects. When I open the older projects in Xojo and run them all of the windows, controls etc. appear blurry. In the IDE they are fine. I suspect it may have something to do with the Retina display on my MacBook Pro?

Thanks for any advice.

Steve W

In the shared build settings, try setting “supports Hi-DPI” to on.


A screen shot may help understand what you meant by blurry…

Hi Bill,

Thank you very much, that did the trick.

Steve W

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