Office Automation in Web - error

Xojo 2014 r2.1
I am creating an Excel file using Xojo Web. It works fine in the debug build but when I deploy the app I get an Ole exception at “workbooks”.

[code]Dim excel As New ExcelApplication
Dim book As ExcelWorkbook
Dim sheet As ExcelWorksheet

book = excel.Workbooks.Add <–This is the line that errors
excel.ActiveSheet.Name = “CostPerHour”[/code]
Is there something that I am missing? I have tried a few different things but always get the error at “workbooks” on the deployed app.
I am deploying as standalone on the same server that I am developing on.

I figured it out. I run my web app as a service. So I had to go to the service property - Log in tab and check the box to allow the service to interact with the desktop.
It works fine now.