It’s nice to see that Xojo has an Office automation plugin available, but it only supports Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. What about other Office apps, or more significantly, Outlook? I need the ability to control Outlook from Xojo, and not just sending emails from Xojo…true access to the object model.
Actually, never mind. I seem to have figured it out. Using OLEObject and with some experimentation, I seem to be able to control Outlook, just not using the Xojo plugin.
// Declare object
dim objApp as OLEObject
dim objMail as OLEObject
dim objRecipients as OLEObject
// Outlook application object
objApp=new OLEObject(“Outlook.Application”)
// Create mail item object
// Recipients object
objRecipients = objMail.Recipients.Add(“”)
// Body format
objMail.BodyFormat(2) 'HTML Format (olFormatHTML)
// Subject line
objMail.Subject = “Subject Test”
// Message body
objMail.Body = “This is a test of the body”
// Show Outlook message window