ODS, Open Document Sheet

Hello all!
I have one of our solutions that exports some data in a csv file. Our customer ask us to export that data in ods, the “excel” sheet in OpenOffice.
Is there any documentation about this? Anyone has already addressed the problem?

Many thanks!

You can “fake” it, by writing the data out in HTML format in a
change the extension … and it should load it (I know this works quite well for EXCEL) and OpenOffice and Excel are file compatible

You can even format and color the output using standard HTML…

This is the exact method one of my production programs for work uses (not XOJO, but the concept is still the same)

Here is a good example that I used to implement .ods in PICK BASIC. The example source is in C# but is not hard to follow. It is just a collection of XML files zipped together and is much easier to implement than .xlsx


[quote=116382:@Dave S]You can “fake” it, by writing the data out in HTML format in a
change the extension … and it should load it (I know this works quite well for EXCEL) and OpenOffice and Excel are file compatible

You can even format and color the output using standard HTML…

This is the exact method one of my production programs for work uses (not XOJO, but the concept is still the same)[/quote]

I tried that with an Excel-HTML-Export…renamed it to .xlsx…Excel on Mac cannot open this. Error Message.

Another Question: I worked last week also on a concept to export Tables to an .xlsx File and Text-Documents to .docx Files.
I develop under OS X.

Tried to zip the Ressources (Folder “_rels”, “[Content_Types].xml”, “document.xml”) with TT’s Zip Class…but it won’t be work, because Microsoft use the Base64 Compression for Zip-Archives.

Tried it in another way via Shell-Script with the OS X Board Functions…same. But if i packed the File structure of an .odt File…it works.
Does anyone have an idea, how to get it work?

Best regards

change extension to .XLS (not .XLSX as that makes other “assumptions”)

I have not tried this with Mac Excel… but it works just fine with Win Excel at least up to 2010 version

[quote=116389:@Dave S]change extension to .XLS (not .XLSX as that makes other “assumptions”)

I have not tried this with Mac Excel… but it works just fine with Win Excel at least up to 2010 version[/quote]
Great, it works also fine on OS X.

Thanks a lot to Bob and Dave for the useful answers.
I’m lazy and I’ll follow the html tip… It’s incredible that… Many thanks!

I assume you will tell your customer your intention? :slight_smile: Imagine if open office stopped supporting opening of HTML files into their Excel equivalent. All of a sudden your offering breaks and the customer finds that they asked you for ods file format and you faked it. I could see that blowing up. Just a thought…

[quote=116379:@Sergio Tamborini]Hello all!
I have one of our solutions that exports some data in a csv file. Our customer ask us to export that data in ods, the “excel” sheet in OpenOffice.
Is there any documentation about this? Anyone has already addressed the problem?

Many thanks![/quote]

i do that on my application written in Xojo. Work really well on Excel. OK in OpenOffice. Will try LibreOffice

you can also do the same thing for Doc file… which is html file with the doc extension.

[quote=116384:@Bob Coleman]Here is a good example that I used to implement .ods in PICK BASIC. The example source is in C# but is not hard to follow. It is just a collection of XML files zipped together and is much easier to implement than .xlsx


PICK BASIC? i used Pick Basic back in 1988 to 1992

I started with PICK in 1987 and still use it. That plus VB.NET pays the bills. Xojo is for fun.

i start my first job in Malaysia using Pick OS with Access (SQL equivalent) and Pick Basic. After 6 years, i do freelancing work using MS Access and that is how i met my hubby. He need help using Access and I give him help. After many year using MS Access, Move to RealBasic in 2005 and never look back.

Back on the HTML with XLS extension, i found the OpenOffice does not open properly and look a bit weird.

Office 365 will give security warnings before allowing you to open the file. That is why I implemented .ods in PICK.

i am talking about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0

Sorry, I knew what you were speaking of. I was just trying to point out another issue to those who posted before about using a web page as a spreadsheet.

oh… ok… Don’t use Office 365… so no idea… Thanks of the info though