I am having trouble resetting the NSUserDefaults on my iMac M2. I was doing the following to keep track of an IAP which I thought was working but now it always remains TRUE. I have tried restarting but no use. Is there a way to delete/reset that setting?

I tried but same result
dim u as NSUserDefaultsMBS = NSUserDefaultsMBS.standardUserDefaults

dim u as NSUserDefaultsMBS = NSUserDefaultsMBS.standardUserDefaults
u.setStringValue “au.com.rushsoftware.ClozeWizard.CWIAP001”, “TRUE”

Const purchaseID = “au.com.rushsoftware.clozewizard.CWIAP001”
App.IsPurchaseMade = NSUserDefaultsMBS.standardUserDefaults.BoolForKey(purchaseID)

//Resetting for further testing
dim u as NSUserDefaultsMBS = NSUserDefaultsMBS.standardUserDefaults
u.setStringValue “au.com.rushsoftware.ClozeWizard.CWIAP001”, “FALSE”

Check the host. The code should have the “any host” set. Or the prefs get confusing between app store and non-app store. Been there - done that - got the t-shirt after wasting 30 minutes.

Preformatted texttheCFPrefs.kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, theCFPrefs.kCFPreferencesAnyHost

Hi Beatrix,

Not sure what that means, this is my first time trying to set values in user defaults


It says “This method has no effect and shouldn’t be used.”

You should just be able to remove the key or do it from a command line using the defaults command.

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Thanks Beatrix, worked it out in the end