No Sounds on Devices

I have 2 ipads and 1 Iphone.

The sound works perfectly on the Ipad Mini (9.3.5)

The Ipad 2 (9.3.5) none of my sounds work from my app .
The Iphone 8 (11.0.3) none of the sounds work from my app.

There are no errors just no sound at all.
I have test other sounds on these devices and they are working.

Have tried this:

Dim soundFile As FolderItem soundFile =SpecialFolder.GetResource("sound.mp3") Dim mySound As New iOSSound(soundFile) mySound.Volume = 100 mySound.Play

Am currently using this

[code] Static soundID As UInt32

	if soundID = 0 then				
			Declare Function AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID Lib "AudioToolbox.framework" (inFileURL As ptr, ByRef SystemSoundID As uint32) As Integer				
			Dim fnfn As Xojo.IO.FolderItem ="sound.mp3") 				
			Dim U As new NSURL(fnfn)
			Dim res As Integer = AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(U, soundID)
			res = res //break point here to verify that res=0 and soundID>0
	End If
	If soundID > 0 then
			Declare Sub AudioServicesPlaySystemSound Lib "AudioToolbox.framework" (snd As uint32)				
	End If[/code]

Have tried with .wav, .aiff as well

How can 1 device and the simulator work and yet the other 2 not?

Is the device on vibrate which has no sound? If so turn off vibrate with the switch on the side of the phone and everything should work. If vibrate is on you can’t okay sounds. It will seem to your app that sounds are playing but vibrate suppresses them.

You are a frikin genius.