I have 2 ipads and 1 Iphone.
The sound works perfectly on the Ipad Mini (9.3.5)
The Ipad 2 (9.3.5) none of my sounds work from my app .
The Iphone 8 (11.0.3) none of the sounds work from my app.
There are no errors just no sound at all.
I have test other sounds on these devices and they are working.
Have tried this:
Dim soundFile As FolderItem
soundFile =SpecialFolder.GetResource("sound.mp3")
Dim mySound As New iOSSound(soundFile)
mySound.Volume = 100
Am currently using this
[code] Static soundID As UInt32
if soundID = 0 then
Declare Function AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID Lib "AudioToolbox.framework" (inFileURL As ptr, ByRef SystemSoundID As uint32) As Integer
Dim fnfn As Xojo.IO.FolderItem = xojo.io.SpecialFolder.GetResource("sound.mp3")
Dim U As new NSURL(fnfn)
Dim res As Integer = AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(U, soundID)
res = res //break point here to verify that res=0 and soundID>0
End If
If soundID > 0 then
Declare Sub AudioServicesPlaySystemSound Lib "AudioToolbox.framework" (snd As uint32)
End If[/code]
Have tried with .wav, .aiff as well
How can 1 device and the simulator work and yet the other 2 not?