No Audio even after amixer

I am trying to make a audiolooper in raspberry using xojo, to output in headphone jack
Even after using:

[quote]Dim sh As New Shell
sh.Execute(“sudo amixer cset numid=3 1”)[/quote]
I get no audio at all.
This is my code:

if voz <> nil and voz.IsPlaying then
end if

dim f as FolderItem

if f <> nil  then

  dim s as sound 
  s= f.OpenAsSound
  If s <> Nil Then
    msgbox "should play "+f.DisplayName
    // check f.LastErrorCode
    msgbox f.LastErrorCode.ToText
  End If
  // user cancelled
End If

Playing the sound file with any audio player works fine.

I already updated and upgraded raspberry pi
I am using remote debug. So I am not running app as sudo. But it asks for user password when running the shell command… is this a problem?

Is there something I am doing wrong? Is it a raspberry pi limitation?
Please help, I already read everything I found about the subject and I cannot find solution