I have a One dimensional Array called “Enlaces”, where I Store a lot of links in order to Download it.
This is my code:
For i as Integer = 0 to Enlaces.Ubound
DownloadXMLTEMP = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("NewCFDIS").Child(Cstr(i)+".xml")
if Downloader.Get(Enlaces(i), DownloadXMLTEMP,15) Then
if Downloader.Get(Enlaces(i), DownloadXMLTEMP,15) Then
end if
End If
When I ran it on Main thread, in a normal method with a Button
I got no problem, I can download all links without problem, But I can’t do that. If I run this code on main thread. I can’t access to the “UI” until the downloads are finished.
So I need to run it on a thread, so, when I do that It gave me this error: “An Exception of class NilObjectException was not handled. The Application must shut down”
And when it happens I can’t do nothing.
I tried to solve it using #Pragma NilObjectChecking Off
and tried to catch it try
catch err as NilObjectException
ErrorText = err.Message
And I got the same error.
Has it happened to someone here?
What Am I doing wrong?
[code]For i as Integer = 0 to Enlaces.Ubound
DownloadXMLTEMP = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(“NewCFDIS”).Child(Cstr(i)+".xml")
if Downloader.Get(Enlaces(i), DownloadXMLTEMP,15) Then
//// all is ok
/// error message ??
End If
[quote=314755:@Axel Schneider]For me this would be more logical
[code]For i as Integer = 0 to Enlaces.Ubound
DownloadXMLTEMP = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(“NewCFDIS”).Child(Cstr(i)+".xml")
if Downloader.Get(Enlaces(i), DownloadXMLTEMP,15) Then
//// all is ok
/// error message ??
End If
Well In fact I wrote this If inside the other IF preventing the file isnt being downloaded, but also tried as you say and almost get the same error
Turn on Break On Exceptions in the Xojo IDE
Then run your code and when it hits the nil object exception please look at the error & message
It might just tell you whats wrong
And no turning of nil object exception checking “wont make it work”
If a nil object was encountered and you had set this pragma this way your app would just crash without the warning
[quote=314759:@Norman Palardy]Turn on Break On Exceptions in the Xojo IDE
Then run your code and when it hits the nil object exception please look at the error & message
It might just tell you whats wrong
And no turning of nil object exception checking “wont make it work”
If a nil object was encountered and you had set this pragma this way your app would just crash without the warning[/quote]
I also tried with this. And the Ide doesn’t show the error.
But I happy cuz, apparently I discovered the way to make a queue using the complete event of the HTTPSecureSocket
And download all links stored on my array.
Now I need to investigate how to refresh the cookies or session.
Cuz passed certain number of files, Then stores but says “Object moved”
[quote=314789:@Gerardo García]I also tried with this. And the Ide doesn’t show the error.
But I happy cuz, apparently I discovered the way to make a queue using the complete event of the HTTPSecureSocket
And download all links stored on my array.
Now I need to investigate how to refresh the cookies or session.
Cuz passed certain number of files, Then stores but says “Object moved”[/quote]
Wooooo hooooo!!! Finally it works. making a Queue, parsing the array.
and Using the DownloadComplete event of HTTPSecureSocket
if NumDownloaded < Enlaces.Ubound Then
DownloadedLinks = False
NumDownloaded = NumDownloaded + 1
DownloadXMLTEMP = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("NewCFDIS").Child(Cstr(NumDownloaded)+".xml")
Downloader.Get(Enlaces(NumDownloaded), DownloadXMLTEMP)
[b] 'RemoveSpacesXML1(Cstr(NumDownloaded)+".xml",DownloadXMLTEMP)[/b]
DownloadStatus = "Downloading: " + Cstr(NumCFDIDescargado) + " of " + Cstr(Enlaces.Ubound)
DownloadedLinks = True
End If
As you can see I comment this: 'RemoveSpacesXML1(Cstr(NumDownloaded)+".xml",DownloadXMLTEMP)
This is a function that I made in order to remove spaces, tabulators, etc ignorer to edit the XML downloaded and then save it again in a different directory.
But I realized of one thing. When the DownloadComplete run, It creates a “Blank file”, so then It connects and finally It got a working XML file.
But if I parse the XML file before the size is different to 0 It will not create the desired XML.
How can I detect when the XML is completed in order to parse it?