Newbie resource idea

Your avatar alone, screams “Engineer from Wisconsin”! :slight_smile:

Wisconsin? Screams?
Well sorry to disappoint, but I have lived in San Diego area for 58 years now :smiley:

[quote=79904:@Dave S]So… do I too exude this “SoCal aura” seeing as I am more South in Southern California than Brad is? :slight_smile:

Yeah, but I was born that far south (Sharp Memorial) and am working my way back there, slowly.

Function Smiliefy( s as string)
Return “:slight_smile: " + s + " :-)”

Btw not sure where I’m supposed to have “blasted” Dave.

LOL… Depending on WHICH Sharp… I was probably even BORN farther south. (Paradise Valley)

FYI… for the rest of you… .Brad and I are now dickering for SoCal rights :smiley:

Then is worked as designed :slight_smile:

Touche !

I believe that is pronounced Tooshay ?

Compared to some, I guess I am still a new user! :wink:

[quote]Touche !

I believe that is pronounced Tooshay ?[/quote]

Actually, what you wrote is pronounced “Toosh”

Touch is pronounced “Tooshay” Notice the acute accent on the e. it makes all the difference.

BTW, this thread completely derailed, but it is fun to watch.

My UK keyboard does not have the accented e, that is why I typed Touche.
Therefore my post was UK centric (or was it buggy?)

[quote=79814:@Richard Summers]Michel,
Hope you were not referring to me in your last post.

I ALWAYS try to solve problems myself (often spending days on the same problem), and only occasionally ask for example code if I have tried everything and I have absolutely no chance of getting it right.

I often ask lots of questions, such as “How do I loop through a LIstBox and check for empty columns” etc - but that is different to wanting code handed to me on a plate, with no effort in understanding it. And, any code kindly provided to me is studied (often for hours), until I finally understand what the code is doing and how it works.

If you were not referring to me - then please ignore this post :)[/quote]

So now you are not going to thank for the help we all try to provide ? Has any of your questions remained unanswered, even when you got impatient ? Seems to me you get in general precise replies to your questions in a matter of hours, if not minutes. I do not see how this could be days.

Sometimes it becomes frustrating to try to help, just to see someone simply ignoring what is offered :confused:

Michel… you are mis-reading his response…

HE spends days trying to figure it out himself before resorting to asking here on this forum. To me that shows an ability to try and solve problems… not someone who is looking for hand outs…

Thank you Dave.

If you read my post - I actually said:

And, I also almost always say “Thank you all in advance” whenever I post any message in these forums.

Why are you calling me impatient???
Out of the hundreds of posts I have probably made - there must have only been 1 or 2 times when I may have seemed impatient.
I may have once or twice posted similar posts on the same or similar subject, but that was probably due to me trying to do 10001 things at the same time.

Also, what have I ignored which was offered???
If someone advises me, or provides code - I always study it, in order to try and learn from it.
Obviously if the subject is beyond my current level of knowledge, I may repeat or rephrase my question, but the help is certainly never ignored???

I am sorry you feel this way towards me for some unknown reason, but I make absolutely no apologies for not being a professional developer and asking for help.


Dare I ask - But what the **** did that binary string mean?
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Plug it in here.

01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 00100000 01101101 01110101 01100011 01101000 00100000 00100001

You are perfect, then. Carry on :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=79685:@Markus Winter]Beginner is given Xojo code. Code isn’t working.

Beginner is given Python code. Code is working.
EVERY sample bit of Python code on the net just runs & works ?
Somehow I doubt that

[quote=79907:@Dave S]Wisconsin? Screams?
Well sorry to disappoint, but I have lived in San Diego area for 58 years now :D[/quote]
I think the pocket protector is cut off in your avatar :stuck_out_tongue: