New Xojo YouTube Tutorial Series

Ever since my young daughter started showing an interest in learning how to code I’ve been thinking that I really should knuckle down and create an actual tutorial series to teach people how to program. Whilst there are plenty of courses, articles and videos out there on this very topic, there aren’t really any using Xojo as the tool so I’ve decided to make my own. I’ve been using Xojo for over 15 years so I think I know what I’m doing…

Here’s the introduction to the series (beware it’s a close up of my face for 5 minutes!) and here’s the first in the series (a super brief walkthrough of the IDE).

If there’s interest I plan on continuing. I already have a rough outline for the first dozen or so videos but I welcome feedback.


what did u to do this YouTube?? wonder how you get tone in the corner of the video?

Xojo learning material is always welcomed. Thanks for the effort.


Definitely interested at this end - I have two younger children that have expressed an interest in learning how to code (my eldest is already at University studying C.S). Thanks for doing this Garry.


What do you mean? Do you mean why did I choose YouTube as the platform? If that’s the case it’s because the available audience is so large and there is no fee to get started.

I use an app called ScreenFlow for macOS to record my screen and webcam. I use a green screen and a chroma filter to remove the background behind me on the webcam and then merge the two video tracks.

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Sorry about my post… i was wonder how you get into the video on the left hand corner. So i assume screenflow has this feature

Subscribed Gary! Always looking for more xojo content for beginners.

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ScreenFlow let’s you record more than one video source. You can also import multiple video tracks. I just resize the webcam track to be small and plonk it in the bottom left corner. It’s really easy to do.

It is true… we can get caption texts ! A bit fast, but they are there !

Not practicing English = lost of understanding !

I watched an episode of StarGate recently (English, no cpation) from my hard idsk and… my understanding was low… Here I have technical data and this must be understoud, not interpreted !

Thank you Gary !
(Please, speak a little slowly in the enxt sot).

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One nice thing about youtube is, that you can adapt the speed.

So you can speed it up, or slow the movie down.

This video explains how to.

Just published the next video. In this one we talk about the contents of a desktop project and explain the basic components of a desktop app.

The next video will cover event-driven programming.

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Please keep developing this series - - it is much needed. You said:

" . . .there are plenty of courses, articles and videos out there on this very topic"

Where? Try typing in “books on Xojo programming” in Google and see what you get. I tried 2 years ago to learn Xojo and just gave up. For any other programming language [or HTML / CSS; or even weird things like Postscript] you can go to Barnes & Noble and there are a dozen books on the shelf. It’s like Xojo is some tightly held secret.

Thank you for making the time and effort to create this.


Hi Charles, here are some resources that may be helpful to learn Xojo:


Thanks for the kind words.

I was referring to “learn to program courses” in general, not Xojo. There are few Xojo courses out there which is what I’m trying to address.

There’s ZERO Xojo Web content anywhere. Here is a topic to explore.

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@Jeannot_Muller has some good, recent blog posts about developing for Web with Xojo here.


FYI for people looking for more content from Xojo, we’ve got the new web tutorial for new Xojo users and tons of resources in the blog and docs. And we’re so happy to see all the new user created content on YouTube like Garry’s.

I’m also always open to suggestions if there is specific topic, web related or otherwise, you want to learn more about, contact me here or at to make suggestions!

edited to add link!


Yes, I fully agree, as there is (unfortunately) a considerable lack of learning materials available for Xojo.

For example:

  • On Amazon, there is only one book (in English) that I could find on Xojo, and it’s actually for RealBasic and it was published on September 18, 2001. The book is nearly 20 years old…

  • I searched on YouTube and found some sporadic, piecemeal tutorials on various topics, but not a step-by-step course that’s designed to teach you how to program using Xojo.

  • I searched Udemy and found a course (in German only) to teach one how to integrate Xojo with the Wordpress platform.

  • I searched for websites that might provide an online course and came back pretty much empty-handed. Sure, I found a few code depositories or some open sources projects, but nothing that was designed to teach an absolute beginner how to use Xojo.

As an educator, I have been quite frustrated by the lack of step-by-step training materials, as I would love to see more people join the Xojo world. However, this has been improving! Xojo now has a training book – yay, a wonderful step in the right direction!! They now are actively producing training videos on various topics – excellent!

This is one reason why I decided to put together a YouTube series for absolute beginners. And yes, I hope to see many more people put together / share their own learning materials. The more we can make available, the faster the Xojo world will grow.


Personally as a database developer primarily, I think you need to do an in-depth series on how to integrate a Xojo application with a SQL database. Not just a basic how to but a more in-depth best practice on how to create master -detail interfaces, handle editing, updating and creation of records. How to handle transactions, business logic separation from the UI. Some advanced material that I struggled with coming from FileMaker where most of this is handled for you.

If Xojo want to encourage the more advanced users to produce training material then you should look to offer an incentivisation program to reward and motivate people.