New CheckCellRenderer for WebListBox

Hello everybody.

I’ve been working with Xojo Web for a few weeks now. One of the aspects that I have missed compared to other IDEs is a more powerful listbox. However, I discovered the WebSDK option of being able to create your own renderers. Especially the examples in Ricardo Cruz’s blog were very helpful to understand how it works.

I made a fork of his repository and added a new one called CheckCellRender that allows to add a cell with a checkbox for multiple selection (this was the goal).

I have also made a couple more to add to a column one or more badges that can be static or clickable with primary, secondary, etc. styles or the color you want.

Finally I have another one to show a dropdown with the same basic properties of the dropdown that bootstrap has (enabled, selectable, separator…).

This is Ricardo Cruz’s repository with the new CheckListBoxRender. Soon I will add the other two that I have mentioned with elaborated examples.

I hope you find it useful and I encourage you to add more functionality.



Thank you for sharing your code David!, and welcome to the community :blush:

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Thank you for sharing and welcome within our community, @David_Ropero :slight_smile:


Welcome to the Xojo community, @David_Ropero ! :cowboy_hat_face: