need help with code

dim total_1 as integer
lbl_Dots.text = "• "

'Used alt+7 for the dot… I’m trying to get the dot to show like this • • • • from a given count entered by the user, for example the user inputs 4. How do I fix this? I’m kind of lost here.

'Cyclic Bight Count for j as integer = 1 to total_1 lbl_Dots.text = str (j) Next

Thanks Brian

[quote]lbl_Dots.text =""
for j as integer = 1 to total_1
lbl_Dots.text = lbl_Dots.text + str (j)[/quote]

I think Jeff beat me too it :slight_smile: Here is my code:

[code]Sub Action() Handles Action
//clear the label
lbl_Dots.text = “”
//determine how many dots to add
Dim total_1 as Integer = 3

//create the dot encoding in windows
Dim myChar as String
myChar = Encodings.WindowsANSI.Chr(149)

//show the dots
for j as integer = 1 to total_1
lbl_Dots.text = lbl_Dots.text + myChar
End Sub

This is what it looks like so far.


Serves me right for quick copy and paste.
It’s you that put the numbers there, Brian… thats what str(j) does.

If you only want * do this

lbl_Dots.text ="" for j as integer = 1 to total_1 lbl_Dots.text = lbl_Dots.text + "• "

if you want a number followed by *** do this

lbl_Dots.text =str(j) for j as integer = 1 to total_1 lbl_Dots.text = lbl_Dots.text + "• "

Awesome Jeff.

I see where my initial code was wrong. Thank you kind sir.
