Neat !


Are you sure the IDE doesn’t strip http links?

http: <- This is just a Label followed by // a comment

OH I know what this is … yeah its a label for a goto which has no manifestation in code … duh me

It doesnt strip it

Bingo !
Since I literally NEVER use goto I never thought about that one but yeah … its a goto label with a comment after it

I don’t use GOTO but I once saw it in the manual:)

manual ??? who reads manuals ?

Been working on several projects recently that used GOTO a lot. I want to fix every single one of them right now but the client won’t pay for that level of rewrite. :frowning:

FWIW, GOTO’s are slide #1 for my XDC Design Mistakes presentation.

And I assume that GOSUB is Slide #2?

I bet it’s more like putting the whole app in :slight_smile:

Well Bob stole the wind from my sails. I was going to write blog about how to replace everything with GOTO’s. This was going to be the intro:

GOTO statements are wonderful things. Whoever invented them was a genius. A GOTO plus an If/endif can replace every other control structure in the language. No need to learn For/next, While/wend, Do/repeat, or Select/case, when a GOTO can do it all…

There ARE people who have done this
I’ve seen the projects

[quote=431833:@Robert Weaver]Well Bob stole the wind from my sails. I was going to write blog about how to replace everything with GOTO’s. This was going to be the intro:

GOTO statements are wonderful things. Whoever invented them was a genius. A GOTO plus an If/endif can replace every other control structure in the language. No need to learn For/next, While/wend, Do/repeat, or Select/case, when a GOTO can do it all…[/quote]

There actually is a language called goto that we used way back when for doing formal proofs of algorithms
It consisted of nothing more than IF and GOTO and yes you can reduce most other control structures to IF + GOTO

When you get down to machine code that’s pretty much all that is available for flow control (evaluation and branch instructions).
All the higher level language flow control statements are built from those.
Goto is fine if used correctly. The problem is that it is incredibly easy to use it badly.
Having said I cannot remember the last time I used it but probably 30-35 years ago :slight_smile:

[quote=431859:@Norman Palardy]There actually is a language called goto that we used way back when for doing formal proofs of algorithms
It consisted of nothing more than IF and GOTO and yes you can reduce most other control structures to IF + GOTO[/quote]
Yes, it’s called FORTRAN IV. I stopped using it in 1978.

[quote=431867:@Robin Lauryssen-Mitchell]
Goto is fine if used correctly. [/quote]

With this issue <> i’d avoid it like the plague it is :stuck_out_tongue: