Navigating PopupMenu with keyboard fires every item in turn

I can’t use the up/down arrows to navigate past a PopupMenu item that triggers an action like opening a dialog. The change event is fired right away.

For example, say I have the following items in my popup menu

[code]Widget 1
Create New Widget…
Create New Particle Accelerator…/code]

When I use the arrow key to to past “Create New Widget…”, it immediately fires the change event and opens the modal window. I can never use the keyboard to get to Create New Particle Accelerator…

I can’t see a way to conditionally code around this as there’s no events for opening and closing the popup and closing the popup with the mouse doesn’t trigger a mouse down event.

This works fine on the Mac.

Any ideas other than a bug report?

It does sound like a bug report kind of thing…

Now, as a workaround, perhaps you could move the code from the changed event to the lostfocus event instead. It does not quite do the same, but at least you “fix” the problem for now.

I’d love to move it to lostFocus but clicking on MenuItem doesn’t lose the focus and it would be confusing to the user to have to move to another control before their menu item fired.

so make the windows version NOT do anything until the enter / return key is pressed like it is on macOS
or when the control loses focus

[quote=494814:@Norman Palardy]so make the windows version NOT do anything until the enter / return key is pressed like it is on macOS
or when the control loses focus[/quote]

I would… But I can’t tell if the Change event fired due to mouse click or keyboard shortcut.

Unless… I detected the arrow keyDown in the control and for so many milliseconds after I ignored the change event. Ugly but would probably work.

can you track the mouse enter mouse down mouse up as well to know the difference ?