old app
wip xojo app after 2 days start from scratch
Old app was on what version of Xojo?
What NEW app is on what version of Xojo?
What can you explain to us viewing is wrong?
that sounds fun, did you find the magic formula ?
the history
begin convert 16.01.1999 from BlitzII 2.1 to GFA 16 Bit
21.10.1999 to GFA Basic 32 Bit
26.10.2001 to Visual Basic 6
12.04.2024 remake in Xojo
the story behind:
as you see its for a lottery, it guess numbers for a lottery ticket.
long ago my mother play lotto and i can draw crosses to join the game.
but i was lazy, i use my amiga computer to create the numbers.
the first game with it i win a bit and my first app was born later on.
i invented a concept for better chance to win.
i never paid and played lottery by myself , the app was more or less for fun.
few month ago i called with a friend,
he told me that his brothers play lottery and still using my amiga program running in emulator.
this week i called him again because he had birthday and his older brother request a new app “again” because he receive a pension in a few years, but it is relatively little.