I made the simplest component - a horizontal line.
Might be useful to someone starting out.
Can such a control be added to the right panel like system controls with their own icon?
I made the simplest component - a horizontal line.
Might be useful to someone starting out.
Can such a control be added to the right panel like system controls with their own icon?
Hi Artur,
Yes, this is described in the WebSDK Docs.pdf. There are two constants you can add to your control:
To help creating that Base64 constant, there is a tool inside this path:
Extras > WebSDK > Tools > WebSDKIconConverter
You just drop the image and it will give you the string.
However, there is a known bug with the LibraryIcon, please add your upvote. We’ll fix it as soon as possible.
Thank you for the quick reply
For me (Windows 10 64b) the icon (64x64 png) in the navigation panel is correct, but in the library panel it remains the default, it has not changed to mine.
A fix for this issue will be included as part of 2023r2