Implementing a mutex to avoid running the same application two times, I found a problem on the suggested implementation in Xojo docs.
The docs says:
Add a property to your app:
mMutex As Mutex
In App.Open event handler, you can attempt to create a Mutex.
[code]mMutex = New Mutex(“MutexExample”)
If Not mMutex.TryEnter Then
MsgBox(“You cannot have more than one copy of this app running!”)
End If
In App.Close, you can release the Mutex:
If mMutex <> Nil Then
End If
The problem raise on the App.Close event: when the Mutex failed to enter, the mMutex.Leave cause an IllegalLockingException:
ErrorNumber: 3
Message: The thread which Signaled the Mutex must be the thread to Release the Mutex
This happen on OS X, not yet tried on Windows.
Any suggestions, apart of handling and ignoring the exception? It could be a bug?
I don’t know.
How about adding a property bMutexSuccess As Boolean that defaults to True.
mMutex = New Mutex("MutexExample")
If Not mMutex.TryEnter Then
MsgBox("You cannot have more than one copy of this app running!")
End If
If bMutexSuccess=True and mMutex <> Nil Then
End If
Would that help?
I’m thinking it isn’t able to leave because it was never able to enter
Yes, the exception happens because the mutex was not able to enter, but it should not raise an exception on Leave.
And the exception message smells of bug: "The thread which Signaled the Mutex must be the thread to Release the Mutex
Anyway I solved putting the Mutex.Leave in a try end try block
I think that’s a new msg which might be triggered here by mistake.
As far as I can tell they should both have been called from the main thread ( and app.close), and therefore you should never get this msg.
You might want to file a feedback report.
I use this code snippet in all my apps (Windows though, no use for Mac really), but I don’t use the .Leave thing because when the app quits the Mutex goes away automatically. (Specifically, the file in “temp” that represents the Mutex is deleted.)
mMutex = New Mutex("MutexExample")
If Not mMutex.TryEnter Then
MsgBox("You cannot have more than one copy of this app running!")
mMutex = nil
End If
There’s several ways to rewrite this - like I did to add the nil of the property
Add a property to your app:
mMutex As Mutex
In App.Open event handler, you can attempt to create a Mutex.
dim tmp as New Mutex("MutexExample")
If Not tmp.TryEnter Then
MsgBox("You cannot have more than one copy of this app running!")
mMutex = tmp
End If