MS will not evolve Visual Basic

I’ve spoken with them extensively over the past few weeks
The IDE is written in delphi (yay!) but it does not use their cross platform framework (boo) and it relies on MS compiler infrastructure so you’ll never get a mac or linux IDE (boo)

And the x-platform framework is not as capabale as the VCL (the non-cross platform framework)

so IF you’re OK working only on Windows and cross compiling from Windows and testing the heck out of things on macOS and/or Linux then maybe Delphi is for you

And it is significantly more expensive than Xojo

As i mentioned: i didn’t checked it. But i’m in contact with a company in Germany developing with Embarcardo, and their Products are well designed and stable. These product are under control from german law (General Ledger, Controlling, Tax) and certified.

Hey folks, this is not a recommendation - i mentioned it only for completion the list!

Delphi is a well designed product itself
I just wish I could use it on a mac or Linux as well
If thats NOT a requirement for you I would certainly give it a look
I think Bob did a review of it recently as well

Please do not post links to competitor products. I’ve already removed a number of these, and further posting of these links may lead to the topic being locked.

I second Norman. I have one more problem with this framework tough I cant tell if this is really framework related or rather based on the developers’ side. 9 out of 10 Delphi programs I see in real live in software audits use EOL and outdated components. We’re not talking about 5-6 years old 2014ish stuff, no we’re talking about components made somewhere back in 2002 or 2003 and still used today. A good framework or developer toolchain should not allow this.

[quote=479524:@Hans-Jürgen Müller]Embarcadero offers a RAD for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android. The languages are Delphi and C++.
I didn’t checked it out, but i know several companies in Germany that use it for their professional standard software (ERP, Finance etc.).[/quote]
Delphi doesn’t have a MacOS IDE. It’s almost as much of a mess as Lazarus, and very expensive.

[quote=479569:@Norman Palardy]I’ve spoken with them extensively over the past few weeks
The IDE is written in delphi (yay!) but it does not use their cross platform framework (boo) and it relies on MS compiler infrastructure so you’ll never get a mac or linux IDE (boo)

unfortunately they said it would take 5 years to move from their current framework to the cross platform one :frowning:
sounded like they missed saying “and its just not worth it” although its hard to buy into “we can build x-patform apps” when they dont use their own x-platform framework to write their own tools
It makes that statement somewhat hard to believe

In this regard Xojo seems to be largely alone in using their framework to build an x-platform toolset that can actually build their IDE across platforms just to prove the point

Isn`t the whole thread about a competitor’s product? :slight_smile:

I’m trying to allow it to run its course, rather than lock it.