Just a shot in the dark, as I haven’t attempted transactions on SQL Server, but have you tried both Xojo’s database.Commit method and executing a “Commit Transaction” statement? And both give the same result?
How about checking “Select @@TRANCOUNT” right after the Begin Transaction, to verify the transaction is open?
is the plugin maybe autostarting a transaction ?
the select of @@trancount would tell you
have you tried one of the other begin transaction syntaxes that are possible ?
maybe name the transaction ? something like
BEGIN TRANSACTION < transaction_name_here>
which you’d have to likely commit with a manual
COMMIT TRANSACTION < transaction_name_here>
is the behaviour new to aspecific release of Xojo & associated plugins ?
I’ll assume it is and that youv’e not had this issue before since I cant imagine you hadnt checked this before
[quote=437699:@Jay Madren]
Just a shot in the dark, as I haven’t attempted transactions on SQL Server, but have you tried both Xojo’s database.Commit method and executing a “Commit Transaction” statement? And both give the same result?[/quote]
I’ll give that a shot.
Actually, it looks like this might be the problem. Doing the Select @@TRANCOUNT right after the Begin Transaction brings back a count of 0. This is probably the culprit.
[quote=437700:@Norman Palardy]have you tried one of the other begin transaction syntaxes that are possible ?
maybe name the transaction ? something like[/quote]
I think to remember that if you want to name your Transaction TRAN it’s:
INSERT/UPDATE ...whatever...
And I think to remember I’ve been having issues when trying to use Stored Procedures inside Transactions (sp_helplogins, sp_addrolemember, …).
Last time I’ve used Xojo’s MSSQLServerDatabase Plugin, there hasn’t been an .AutoCommit setting available.
What I see in our projects is that the very first .SQLExecute after .Connect for MS-SQL is always:
[quote=437713:@Jürg Otter]
What I see in our projects is that the very first .SQLExecute after .Connect for MS-SQL is always:
But I can’t say if that makes this difference…[/quote]
It shouldnt be necessary but it’s safe
Basically sets the session to not do dirty reads of uncommited data (which you could do but its not that generally useful since a transaction COULD rollback then what you read is invalid and blech !!!)
If I take this into a simplified project it something that ActiveRecord is doing. It’s odd because neither MySQL, Postgres, CubeSQL or any of the other DB servers have this same issue. Time to dig into some very old code.
Correct. This is something specific to our ActiveRecord implementation. In a simple standard xojo project the Transactions work as expected. Something changed in the plugin that’s affecting ActiveRecord because it worked at some point.
What are the things that would cause a transaction to get dropped? We’re not closing the connection. Nor are we trying to reconnect (to the best of my knowledge).
If @@trancount is zero right after beginning the transaction, then I’d say the transaction never started. You should look at the SQL Server logs for clues (may have to enable or configure some logging options to capture any meaningful data).
If you have Admin access to the SQL Server, maybe try installing SQL Server Profiler (it’s free), if it isn’t installed already, then you can see all the connections, commits and SQL being passed from your client application to the database - and when. Profiler has to be installed on the database server, not the machine running your application.
I don’t recommend installing Profiler on a production server, only if you have full control over your database in a dev environment, because Profiler will pick up all client traffic (unless you apply some advanced filtering).
Did some testing and found that if you create a RecordSet and don’t close it before reusing the RecordSet (or creating a new one), you will cause a new SQL Server connection/session to start on the next Select, which will have its own transaction state. Maybe you’re doing something like this in ActiveRecord?
Jürg, I see in your feedback example project that you are not closing the RecordSet after the Select, which then produces this problem.
Also found that you can get back to the original session by closing the RecordSet, and the original transaction state is still intact. In other words, you could start a second RecordSet without closing the first one, which will then be in its own session & transaction, then close both recordsets and start a new recordset, and your original transaction state will still be open, ready for you to commit it.