MS-DVR files - extracting / processing audio?

I am now tasked with processing audio / video as part of my work, specifically extracting audio from MS-DVR vid files and then creating a list of timestamps where each pause ends within the sound file – does anyone know of a converter / extractor that does not hose the sound on MS-DVR files?

To avoid redundancy, what solutions have you tried that do hose the sound?

My gut reaction is “try VLC”

The only solution that does play both vid and sound is MS’s movie player v12 for Windows 10. Because of that, I’ve bought a Win10 Pro laptop. I still need a sound extractor / converter, so I can process the sounds.

VLC does not work at all on Linux; it hoses the sound to the point it’s nothing but scratchy noises on Windows.

DVRSoft (Native Windows Shareware version) does not work at all- hoses the sound into scratchiness as well.

FFMPEG does not convert with any sound track and shows no sound trackwithin the file(s) on Linux and Windows so it’s useless - it does not really support DVR-MS format but will try and convert under the *any file selection option.

Handbrake produced almost no sound except for crappified scratches and pops.

There’s a workaround in Windows Media Center where you would have to export to a device before it’ll export to any decent format actually usable by other apps.


Didn’t want to re-invent the wheel and if someone has developed a plug-in, I am interested in such for sure.

*** OF NOTE *** The files I am working with are a minimum of .5 to 2 gigs in size and they are narrated criminal case evidence vids so I cannot share them with anyone else.


Hope that helps. And thanks for any help!

Maybe try this one:

Thanks - gonna try that one out ASAP and give a reportback.

Has a style similar to Adobe’s suite of apps o.O