Moving to a VM for development

Greetings all,

I have been using Xojo for software development for fifteen years. In this time I have run Xojo / RealStudio / RealBasic from my Mac laptop.

Now I am moving to better things (?) and the people I am developing for have offered a virtual machine to develop on (which they will maintain / backup). This will also keep their IP and development in a nicer arena. No laptop walking out the door, etc.

They offer Windows 10 and Linux (e.g. CentOS) as VMs. I have done a little developing on Linux (Ubuntu 12 / 14) and Win 8.1 … Neither really floated my boat like Mac does, but from the point of view of a Xojo developer, which of these OS are more likely to receive Xojo love ? Which is more stable, mature ? Which is more likely to be usable as a VM deployed development environment ?

I am not looking for a flame here. Persons with experience in one or the other (or ideally, both) environments would be welcome to reply.
Tony Barry

I doubt you will receive a good answer for that, because the thing about Xojo is that you develop on your preferred OS and then cross-compile to the other operating systems running in VMs. So most of the developers here will probably never have touched Xojo on the other two operatings systems often enough to really be able to say something about that.

Developing in VM? Really? Why would one do that?

Hi Eli,

This keeps the “computer” within the IT infrastructure, so the IP does not leave the building. Also if the developer (i.e. me) leaves town, some other developer can take over. The question I have is - how does Xojo compare between environments ? I have little experience with either Windows or Linux.

Tony Barry

My impression is that you’ll get an experience closest to what you’re used to in Windows 10, but as Eli predicted, I never use Windows or Linux for development, just remote debugging.

+1 to Kem
Use the WIndows box.

What does a VM have to do with IP? In an enterprise environment everything is on company network anyways. Your code is in SVN or similar. So there is no really good argument for having to deal with a VM.

Source code control system?

I suggest using Windows as unfortunately Linux graphics subsystem is terrible especially on a VM and Xojo is heavily graphical. you will suffer using Xojo on a Linux VM so don’t waste the time. my humble opinion and test results.

Windows is probably the lesser of two evils, but frankly, compared to the Mac IDE, it is like a Pinto vs a Tesla…

The Tesla being Windows?

Kiwis have a great sense of humour :slight_smile:

I assumed Tony meant “intellectual property”, not IP address.

It hurts to say, but I’d go the Windows route too. I’ve used Xojo on Linux very occasionally and it’s certainly good enough to get a little work done. But logically, the Windows IDE is going to get more love because they have more Windows customers than Linux.

Good luck with the new job.

+1 for the Windows VM

We do the majority of our Xojo development on VMs (ESXi flavour). We are primarily using Windows 7 VMs, but Windows 10 should work well for you. Just double-check the specs and make sure that they allocate enough RAM and CPU cores to the VM.

Best of luck!

Many cores seems wastefull as Xojo is only using one …

Windows slows down considerably on one core.

Many > 2 :wink:

I run Xojo and Real Studio under Windows 7 and 10 and Linux (CentOS 6 and Fedora 22) with full success on all. The secret is 4GB RAM+ and at least 2 CPU cores.

The VMs are run under VMWare, Parallels, and VirtualBox. I’ve never tried under vSphere or Windows containers.

Thank you heaps to all who replied.

@Beatrix Willius - right now it’s not enterprise, it’s one shaggy developer (me) who is migrating to enterprise. Learning curve ahead :slight_smile:

@Eli Ott - VCS is good. But it is meant to be hosted within the enterprise. Mine is not acceptable.

@Shant Khatcherian - Yes, Windows sounds like the right option.

@Michel Bujardet , @Wayne Golding - yes, Mac is better. And I have used it extensively. Now comes the night …

@Gavin Smith - Yeah, Linux is such a good idea … it’s just the implementation that grinds. You are correct, when I wrote IP I meant intellectual property. I should have known better than to use the abbreviation in a network-focussed group :slight_smile:

@Arthur Couture, @Tim Jones, @Markus Winter - thank you very much for the specs that work for you. That’s what I need.

Tony Barry