Moving parent dlls to Libs folder

When building a Windows application, theres a Libs folder which contains dlls - but there’s also a bunch of other dlls in the parent folder where the exe file is.

These dlls are: msvcr120.dll, msvcp140.dll, msvcp120.dll, vccorlib140.dll, vcruntime140.dll, XojoGUIFramework64.dll

I’d like to move them to the Libs folder - how can I do that?

Technically they don’t need to be there if the system has those exact dll’s installed already. You could check this with an installer and install the appropriate runtime at install time if they are missing.

However, there’s no reason for a user to be looking in your application folder to see that it’s messy, just look at some of the apps you have installed, most will do this now to just make sure that everything is installed correctly and there wont be any issues that crop up which are out of the control of the developer like corrupt dll’s that you are relying on.

If there is a reason for bringing users into your folder then you could just create one in the start menu that just has a symlinks or bat files that link to your install folder apps.

Here’s a post I made about it last year:

And here’s a post I made about the clean folder issue