Moving a .rsd File


I need to have the application’s .rsd file initially installed in the application folder, then, have the user be able to move it to another folder/drive. I have been through the various FolderItem Dialogs but I am getting nowhere. Can someone point me in the right direction?



Use SelectFolder to allow the user to select the destination folder for the file.

  • or -

Use GetSaveFolderItem to allow the user to select the destination file name.

  • then -

Use FolderItem.CopyFileTo to copy the file in place.

Or FolderItem.MoveFileTo which will delete the old file on completion. Also make sure the rsd file is closed and don’t forget to save the new location somewhere the app can read it.

That was a fast response, thank you. I will try those.

Thanks again,


That worked great, thanks.

Next problem… is there a way that I can capture the input from a webcam and put the photo directly into the program? This for ID card processing. Do I use the serial control or is there a better way.


[quote=13971:@John Cooper]That worked great, thanks.

Next problem… is there a way that I can capture the input from a webcam and put the photo directly into the program? This for ID card processing. Do I use the serial control or is there a better way.[/quote]
You should start a new conversation for this.