Is there any proper modern calendar control for XOJO. that we could get ? i’m looking for something more updated to the current OS, MacOS and Windows that should look modern .
I did saw the one Jeremie has but i think he did not update it for a while and i don’t want to get surprises.
Wow… impressive. Thank You! The only thing I need to update is week number, since in EU there is ISO week number norm, which is not equal to Date.WeekOfYear in Xojo.
if anyone interested, here’s my method for it:
Public Function ISOWeekNumber(extends dt as date) As integer
// ISO 8601 week number
var dow,woy as UInt8
if dow=0 then dow=7
if woy=0 then
var dp as new date (dt.Year-1,12,31)
if dow=0 then dow=7
elseif woy=53 then
var dp as new date (dt.Year+1,1,1)
if dow<6 and dow>1 then woy=1
end if
Return woy
End Function