MobileTextField Numbers Input Type

When I define an input type of NUMBERS on iPhone it only shows the numbers and delete key.
How does the user remove the number input entry? There is no Done or Return

Move to the next field

If you set it to decimal instead of numbers, you should see the delete key.

Using iosdesignextensions, you can add a Done button to the field.

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Thanks Greg but it didn’t make any difference.

I looked at the latest but it just had a Hide Toolbar button and my top toolbar is full. I couldn’t see how you could add a Done button to the field.
In the end I put a TF.clearfocus in the other control that was visible assuming the user would work that out :frowning:

The latest version of iOSDesignExtensions now has a TextField.AddDoneToolbarButtonXC method.

Using that method allows to clear the focus with a Toolbar item above the keyboard.


Thanks Jeremie,