MobileTextArea has no style?


I was planning to add a MobileTextArea to an iOS app, to display text that may be styled at places. It appears there’s no function about styles :man_shrugging:.
iOS design extensions also don’t have such support and I find it curious there’s no Issue nor discussion in this forum, for a feature that sounds such basic in my opinion.
Am I just missing the obvious?

True. That’s why I use the GraffitiSuite Editor (HTML) for iOS.


Hi Arnaud,

Styling isn’t an easy task on iOS but can be done with declares.
I already use styling in some Labels in a couple apps so I might be able to add this to iOSDesignExtensions.


Thanks for your answers.
I’m considering converting my texts to HTML and using a HTMLViewer to display them.

I think using an HTMLViewer is the easiest solution.
But you might need a few declares to prevent zooming in/out in order to replicate the look and feel of a text area.

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Thanks for the advice. I’ll start by making it working.

Actually zooming could be disabled in the HTML directly.