MobileButton for iOS/iPadOS with other styles

The normal MobileButton for iOS is very simple and have only the possibility to change the color of the caption. However, it would often be desirable for the button to be emphasised more, e.g. if you have more buttons on the view or if the button is a consent button (e.g. for data protection)

I have seen that, starting with iOS 15, there are more configuration options for a button, e.g. inverted, round corners, different sizes, etc.

Is it possible to use this configuration with the existing buttons, for example with declares? Unfortunately, I can’t get any further here. Thanks for any ideas.

Check out the excellent iOSDesignExtensions on GitHub from Jérémie Leroy. I use it in my app to create mobile buttons with rounded corners and background colours, etc.


Thanks Jason!
I am the author of iOSDesignExtensions :slightly_smiling_face:

If you would like to see some apps that take the advantage of all features available in the extensions, have a look at


Links to the French app store but the apps are available in 25-30 languages

Thank you, i will check it

Thank you Jeremie for your feedback and the solutions. I will look into it.

As I have seen, you can use the functions to manually set the background color and round corners of the buttons. Helps me further.

I have read in the Human Interface Guidlines from Apple that since iOS 15 there are also prefabricated styles and sizes for buttons that are also based on the action, such as Primary Button etc. Is there also such a possibility?