[Mobile] iOS Xojo class ?

Still thinking about Xojo Mobile. Apparently plugins will not work. I know I am in speculative mode, but projecting has never harmed …

When the time comes, I have an idea where I could use an RTF field a little more elaborate that what comes out of the box at this time. Is there an RTF class, and will it eventually work with Xojo Mobile ?

Too bad lib cocoa will probably not be available. I love the rounded textfield declare Sam Rowlands just posted :slight_smile:

Well, I know, Xojo mobile won’t be here for a few month. But in the meantime, why not dream ?

Declares should work which is what MacOSLib is

Plugins are going to require something different than today as iOS doesn’t permit loading dynamic libraries for security reasons (so I’m told)
Today plugins are all dynamic libraries

[quote=44933:@Norman Palardy]Declares should work which is what MacOSLib is

Plugins are going to require something different than today as iOS doesn’t permit loading dynamic libraries for security reasons (so I’m told)
Today plugins are all dynamic libraries[/quote]

This morning I had a customer asking how she could move her documents across here MacBook, Dell desktop, and iPad. This prompt me to believe there is a market for an iPad app that will be able to support RTF and custom fonts at the same time. Problem is, because she mentioned MacBook and PC, I have to assume she will be producing fairly elaborate RTF which requires much more than the basic RTF that Xojo supports natively.

I has a quick look at the RTF code and I do not really feel like developing a new compatible processing at this time. Would be nice to get one already made. Maybe by the time Xojo Mobile is ready, some third party developer will have an RTF solution… (hope)

For PC there is : http://www.bkeeneybriefs.com/tag/formatted-text-control/

With iOS, you can also use a WebView control and implement RTF using Javascript and Callbacks to hook into your Methods/Events. I have implemented similar in Xojo Web Edition and used such in XCode…perhaps with Xojo Mobile it may be possible to do something similar?

Apparently it is cross platform :slight_smile:

I went on reading, and I found out that Formated Text Control is not a plugin, but code. This means it probably will work :slight_smile:


Custom edit field has not been updated to Xojo 3.3…I will archive my copy which has been updated. .although it does not support RTF as they are needing it to. FTC is also more stable.