Minimum client version for IOS

Hi team

Can anyone tell me where to find minimum client os details for xojo and some of the common third party plugins?

I’m seeing an issue where my we app doesn’t full load on iOS 16.x but runs fine on 17.x. Just using xojo 2024r2 and GraffitiSuite plus latest MBS.
Getting a grey screen with a small vertical grey line on the older target platform.

Well, iOS Apps can be build with Xojo for iOS 11 to 17 according to the website:

MBS Plugins are also build with iOS 11 as minimum.

GraffitiSuite doesn’t really have OS version specific requirements on iOS. It’s all Xojo code with some declares tossed in, but all of those declares have been present in iOS for a very long time and would only be called on views containing those GraffitiSuite controls that make use of them and should report an error if the function is missing.

Thanks guys

It’s really strange. I have a web app that works fine on iOS 17.x and loads to a grey screen on 15.x and 16.x. Can’t figure out how to debug either!

Can you share some sample code and screenshots?
Can you load other browser and test with that?
There is a bug report about older Safari not rendering the buttons correctly (fixed for 2024r3).

OK, I missed that this was for Web on Mobile. GraffitiSuite shouldn’t cause this. You can track down the issue, however, by remote debugging your device’s browser using the desktop browser inspector.

Hi team,
I’ve managed to debug and track down to:

TypeError: e.checkVisibility is not a function. (In 'e.checkVisibility()', 'e.checkVisibility' is undefined)

within framework

Any suggestions on next steps?
Currently reproducible on iOS 15.5

Hi @James_Mullins ,

Sorry about that. There is a workaround in this comment:


Thanks Ricardo. Will test tomorrow and report back.

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Hi all,

@Ricardo_Cruz I’m still seeing issues running on this iOS version. I’m seeing the attached error.

Works fine on latest iOS and the screenshot shows what my UI shows. Instead of background image, buttons etc.

Any thoughts?

Thanks James, that looks like a different issue. I’ll give it a try and see if it can be fixed.

Eddie’s Electronic example seems to be working fine on iOS 16.1, with Xojo 2024r2.1 (using the workaround I’ve posted). Are you seeing this issue with any project? Maybe it’s one of the controls what is causing the issue.

Your problem now is only with iOS 15.5? Just want to make sure as you posted that version last and Ricardo is testing with 16.1

Can you create a sample version, upload the zip here and mention what version of iOS doesn’t work? If is hard for Ricardo to reproduce, it will be hard to find the solution.

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Ah! I missed the iOS 15.5 message. I’ll try to reproduce it with that version ASAP.

Thanks guys

A really basic project seems fine but I’ll try to reproduce with a limited project.