Microsoft Office 365

We have invested a lot of time and effort in moving from 32 to 64-bit applications.
What a surprise, on Win10 the whole Microsoft Office 365 for business runs as 32 bit applications. (Word, Excel … Teams etc.)

It makes sense since Surface Pro X is ARM based and x64 apps won’t run on a Windows 10 PC on an ARM-based processor.

Poor Joost… except my gaming pc (isolated in a different network segment) I am free of any Microsoft products, for over 12 years now. I am always saying: “Well, that’s one of many reasons why” :wink:

(and Apple will follow soon to my banlist, I am switching to Debian, already using it for many years)

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Joost, up until recently, the default version of Office 365 that was proposed was indeed 32 bit. Recently, I built a new computer to replace my older one (giving signs of imminent failure). When I installed Office 365 on the new computer, the default version that was proposed and installed is the 64-bit version. I guess that the transition happened slowly, but it did. I now have some computers (my work laptop and my older desktop) running the 32-bit version, and my new desktop running the 64-bit version. I suppose that if you were to de-install office 365 and re-install it, you could get the 64-bit version.

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Bei MS spricht man von 64-Bit, als wäre alles andere Old School. Ich verstehe jetzt die Leute, die noch mit Office 2010 arbeiten. Funktioniert, kein Ärger, fertig.

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good attitude :slight_smile:

(let’s continue in English)

Well I would consider LibreOffice over MS Office 2010 or Office 365 subscription model.

I would not call it a “momentum” but last year I’ve migrated one small-size company (15 desktops, 3 servers) from Microsoft to Linux. This year already 2 companies of same size are not jumping on the Microsoft-Train either.

I’ve mentioned elsewhere, but the short version is, I haven’t used a WIndows computer since XP (that is until very recently, and not by choice). I switched to Apple because at the time I didn’t know anything about linux. I switched because MS were just too unfocused on the customer and only focused on $$$. At the time (early 2000s) Apple was still very customer experience orientated. They’d only just released the iPhone and until that time really only focused on graphic and video high end development, and good equipment. But the iPhone changed everything and before long they were just milking customers for every cent they could. They started focusing on iAds and subscriptions and moved away from the desktop to mobile focus and really, they’ve just lost the plot (as far as how I interpret where they should be focused, on the customer and making a great product, instead it’s about only the bottom line). I get it, it’s a business, and all is fair in business, but I am typing this on my last MBP, an early 2013 Retina which doesn’t make the cutoff for OS-X BS. And I won’t be upgrading to anything that’s locked down with T2, it’s bad enough I can’t change the hard drive in this (my previous MBP had a DVD I removed and added a second drive to, this one has only one and AFAIK it’s soldered to the board (I could be wrong on that).

Yes, my next upgrade will most likely be a solid laptop running linux only with a VM for windows as necessary. I’ll cross that bridge when this one dies, which (knowing Apple products) will be in the next year or so.

As a complete aside, I have (had) an original ipad 1 which was running iOS5.1?? up until about a year ago. It served one purpose, display one webpage from a local server that allowed access to controlling things around the house (home automation). It was a really old version of iOS, but it still functioned for its intended purpose. Then one day Apple turned it off. When I tried to restart it proceeds as if it’s been factory reset and I can’t even get to any login screen, just keeps coming up that some sort of provisioning server was unavailable and to try again later. I don’t recall the error now. But it’s an obsoleted product that worked one day until they turned it off, and now it’s a paper weight.

It’s just a sign of the times I suppose.

Hi @Tomas_J, I fully understand you moved them to Linux where you could. I don’t do system administration. For development I have only requests for Windows. I only own Mac computers and run Parallels on each of them. Five years ago I did my best to have an application equal for Windows and Mac, but I dropped Mac since it’s totally not worth the afford anymore.
Since I am not a big fan of current Apple strategy and “innovations”, I am thinking of getting next computers running Linux with Windows VM’s on top of it. For development I prefer running VM’s rather than direct OS. I move VM’s arround on every computer and keep snapshots and backups. About MS Office: I use 2010 personally and since I am running Office 365 business edition for a company, I do experience the innovations made over the years. My wife runs Libre Office, never had complains about that. Seems to work since she writes quite some documents.

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