In moments like this (still lauging about the quote “Microsoft loves open source now”) I do love the GPL. If Redmond really loves open source, then it should establish GPL throughout their product range of really important products like Windows, Office… this will never happen.
Well Markus, this answers my question: Who is (still) using GitHub?
remember github != git
@Tomas Jakobs - what’s the best alternative for source-control at the moment ?
IMHO (without appeal to generality):
git but self-hosted on your own hardware.
I do. Looks like its time to look for alternatives.
I hope that:
- it doesn’t become the email spamming storm that LinkedIn became
- MS can’t look into my private Xojo code
- they don’t use it as a backdoor to spy on developers
Is that so? I deleted my LinkedIn account when they were bought.
According to the articles comments, they can (if you ask for assistance). But I dont think they are especially interested in Xojo code.
This may sound a bit paranoid, but I would bet on the opposite. With all the backdoors and spyware built right into their OS, why should they accept privacy when they have access to their core resource: program code? A convincing reason can always be found, like automatic scanning for malevolent code and as such, of course, user security.
As Tomas said, git is still the way to go, but if you’re looking for a GitHub alternative I heartily recommend GitLab , open source with many ways to run your own server, with a free online version too (even for private repos).
It might be coincidence (cause this decision was made last year) but this news came along recently…
I recommend looking at Phabricator. Self-hosted is an option, but not for the faint of heart. provides hosted instances. The suite is fantastic.
People are posting solutions everywhere, almost on-the-fly. Hahaha.
GitLab is open source. You can use it as a service hosted by them (SaaS), or install your own private GIT repository management server “GitHub like”.
Thanks for the links! I see that hosted GitLab is even cheaper than GitHub. Unlimited private repositories even with a free account?
Everything “Core” is Free.
Hosted in :
Installed in your own servers:
just posting one link:
I recommend not to use gitlab or github. Use your own servers! No Telemetry, huge Mass-Data Breaches, No Vendor LockIn!
On a scale between -10 and 10: How much do developers trust Microsoft?
Dammit, my brain-debugger throws out an “Negative Integer Underflow”
And I grew up with Microsoft, from DOS in the 80ies, Windows/NT4 in the 90ies and .NET in the beginning 2KYears. But when Steve Jobs announced the iPhone I’ve completly switched to Apple. Now a decade later I find myself again in a similar situation, constantly moving away from my prefered platform. The last serious Professional Macbook Pro is still the 2015 Retina model… and High Sierra… well it’s better not to start a flamewar. Recently I’ve bought a cheap Acer Touch-Convertible, installed a clean Debian 9 with gnome-core and a handful selected apps only, connected it to my self-hosted Nextcloud and got the perfect mobile companion. No Telemetry, full Data Protection and Data Sovereignty.
Of course for Development I am still using Apple, and for gaming Windows. But my central digital hub is based on Free and Open Source Software.
So back to your question: I do not trust anybody or anything I am not able to host on my Hardware in my Network.
It depends on what are your intentions. For public, community driven, open source code, pushing your project to a public, very known server/service, is the best solution and even cost effective. As for closed content, hosting it by yourself is for sure the best approach. GitLab is open source, so no vendor lock-in, no telemetry, whatever… If you find something bad, remove it. There are 2 editions, the easy and ready with all, enterprise, needing license, maybe some telemetry; and the community edition, with just the clean open core. If you are afraid of things, get the CE.
And here is the repository in case of you wanting to have a look beforehand: