Message “resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed” while debugging


While trying to debug an iOS app, Xojo reports it failed to sign the app, with the famous “resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed” error.
The trick of using “xattr -xrc”, as found in this forum, doesn’t work in my case. The error comes back anyway.
I also tried changing the build location (temporary folder or desktop), to no avail.

Has anyone solved this error using another way?

Try without the x option. that’s just for use with the writing and printing commands and you may be confusing it.

attr -cr <path to bundle>

Thanks. Same result, however.

So, I’ve been revisiting various threads about this issue and tried several scripts (build steps), which either produce a script error or make Xojo hanging (waiting on the Xattr process, which takes 100% of CPU, endlessly).
Many threads discuss about built app, using the Terminal on the package, but it’s not an option for debugging, as I can’t use the Terminal in the emulator.

One script seemed to not crash, but I got the same dialog and inability to run. This hardened my doubt, wondering whether a build step is really executed between building and signing (when put in the right location in the IDE, of course). I have the feeling Xojo compiles first, attempts to sign and then execute steps (for scripts returning errors, these errors are shown after the “resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed” message).

How do you, dear Xojo users, manage to successfully debug apps on the iOS simulator?

When this happened to me, it was down to something ‘attached’ to a picture I had recently dragged into the project.
Running the xattr command manually (one time ) against all the resources I was using (all images and text files that were in a folder for the purpose), then problem went away.

No amount of adding the xattr command to the build scripts (pre or post compile) solved the issue for me.

ps: and will Apple EVER stop being so ********** picky about how we use our own devices?

It’s true I have several of them in my project (sounds and pictures). So I used xattr on each of them (which removed the Finder tag, expectedly but sadly), deleted and re-imported them but the problem persists.

I’m sure you’re right about this needed step, but since the message can happen for several reasons (I already got it when attempting to run on a NAS) and also because the message doesn’t tell where the fault is, I feel blind in this situation.

One cannot, or hardly, check whether the transmitted package has resource forks, correct? There’s no such app as the Terminal in the iOS emulator :man_shrugging:. I’m really thinking the only possible solution would be that Xojo checks itself whether files it compiles (at the output side) have extended attributes.

I’ll still try various things, including copying the needed resource files in a folder next to the project, but I don’t expect to solve this issue. Hoping the other way to debug (directly on a real device) will be fixed soon.

Thanks for your answer.

So true!

I suspect the reason Apple is so picky in this case is that the “resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed” has to do with the fact that Finder reserves the right to modify this info at any time in the future, and that including it in the code signature will allow Finder to break the signature at some unknown time in the future.