Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

To all of my Xojo friends, both old and new - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May your futures be filled with success, love, and happiness and the knowledge that Xojo help is just a message post away :slight_smile:

To those of us lucky enough to relax with Model Railroading, may your consists be long and your derailments be few.

Joyeux Noel to all :slight_smile:

And: Frohe Weihnachten euch allen! :slight_smile:

I wish you all,
Prettige Kerstdagen en een gelukkig Nieuwjaar! :wink:

“Zalig Kerstmis en een gezond en voorspoedig 2018” i wish you all.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! :slight_smile:

and just to defy Prez.Chump… :slight_smile:

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and yours!

Might 2018 be better than years gone past…

… and please don’t politicize this. My wish is heartfelt and has no agenda behind it aside from my best wishes for all of my Xojo family and friends.

Have a great time with family and please try to stay away from computer for a few hours.

I’m finishing a few things today and then we’re off the computers until at least Wednesday :slight_smile: Lots of family in, so too much real reality to worry about virtual reality :slight_smile:

Ablythe Yuletide!

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

God jul og godt Nytt r


Masego a Keresemose


Frohi Wiehnachte und en guete Rutsch is nöi Jahr

Ne schoene kerst en een gelukkig nief joar.

Merry Holidays! (whichever you celebrate) to all Xojo colleagues, friends, mentors, and even the new folks just ‘gettin yer feet wet’! Enjoy this holiday season with peace, friendship, and goodwill. Looking forward to an awesome new year.

sheng dan jie kuai le (Merry Christmas, in Chinese)

God jul og godt nyt r!

Joyeux Nol tous.