Menu shortcut problem

For REDO, I have the menu shortcut set up for Mac as CMD-SHIFT-Z
But for Windows , people expect CTRL-Y

I cannot work how how to achieve that in the IDE

Anyone know how to make that happen in IDE or in code?

A constant with a platform specific value, take a look at App.kEditClear in the default desktop project.

You can set it with code in the opening event:

#If TargetMacOS Then
  EditRedo.Shortcut = "cmd-shift-z"
#ElseIf TargetWindows
  EditRedo.Shortcut = "ctrl-y"
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Took some tracking down.
Several things confused the issue.

First, I had another deeply buried menu that was already CTRL-Y. Changed.

But then, running Windows in a VM on my Mac, CMD-Z works as Undo, and I assumed CMD-Y should likewise work.
Using actual CTRL got there in the end. Cheers guys

Yes, sometimes it’s CCS (Crazy Cumulative Stuf)…

Your VM should have a mapping list for this stuff.

Parallels. You’ld think so.
Maybe it just maps the more widely used ones.

Parallels definitely. Look under the main prefs for parallels itself.