Try it for yourself and see the results. If your apps are doing anything substantial with memoryblocks, you’ll notice significantly slower performance starting with 2024r3.
dim s, e, t as double
s = System.Microseconds
dim z() as memoryblock
dim j, k as integer
for j = 0 to 1000000
dim m as new MemoryBlock(8)
for k = 0 to 7
m.byte(k) = j mod pow(2,k)
z.append m
e = System.Microseconds
t = e - s
dim r as string = format( t, "0.0000" )
dim clip as new Clipboard
clip.SetText r
MsgBox r
// Mac Studio M1 results running in the IDE:
//2024r2 1311051,0000
//2024r3 1868024,4583
Likely to do with memory management protections to allow Preemptive threads to work safely. There is currently a bug report for faster semaphores / critical sections, which hopefully will appear in an upcoming version.
I got a substantial speedup from switching to using a ptr for memoryblock manipulation some years back.
As a tip, I always ‘get’ a new ptr just before using the memoryblock
(- I think I recall issues trying to get a ptr once and keep it for the life of the app - maybe the block gets moved about)
Thanks, but unless I’ve misunderstood something, concerning the difference in speed between r3 and r2, that doesn’t matter. Using pragmas to speed it up, r3 is still slower. Add these to the code above and see for yourself:
You can remove the code doing anything with the memoryblocks. Just create them. r3 is slower.
dim s, e, t as double
s = System.Microseconds
dim z() as memoryblock
dim j, k as integer
for j = 0 to 1000000
dim m as new MemoryBlock(8)
z.append m
e = System.Microseconds
t = e - s
dim r as string = format( t, "0.0000" )
dim clip as new Clipboard
clip.SetText r
MsgBox r
// 2024r3 356887,2500
// 2024r2 234973,2917
Forget about making an array out of the memoryblocks. r3 is slower.
dim s, e, t as double
s = System.Microseconds
for j as integer = 0 to 1000000
dim m as new MemoryBlock(8)
e = System.Microseconds
t = e - s
dim r as string = format( t, "0.0000" )
dim clip as new Clipboard
clip.SetText r
MsgBox r
// 2024r2 = 212367,6667
// 2024r3 = 300177,5833
Here’s the real kicker … remove the memoryblock! r3 is slower!
dim s, e, t as double
s = System.Microseconds
for j as integer = 0 to 1000000
'dim m as new MemoryBlock(8)
e = System.Microseconds
t = e - s
dim r as string = format( t, "0.0000" )
dim clip as new Clipboard
clip.SetText r
MsgBox r
// 2024r2 = 57570,9583
// 2024r3 = 84383,8333
So this is starting to make sense. No matter what the project is doing, it’s going to be slower in r3. When I run any project in 2024r2, it’s noticeably faster than it is in r3. Nobody else has noticed this? I find that hard to believe.
I hadn’t measured it, but was told there would be a performance trade-off for implementing preemptive threads. I thought that was announced, but maybe not.
But given recent developments, I’m hopeful that this will be addressed in the next release. I’m not sure if that means we’ll be back to pre-r3 performance, but it sounds like we’d be closer.
As someone who won’t ever be using preemptive threads, I’d like to think there is a switch to allow ‘old way without’ versus ‘new way’
I would be a bit miffed to find everyone’s ‘standard’ performance nobbled to serve a few folk who need the threads.
My app uses threads a lot, but since most of the time they are waiting on I/O, I don’t imagine that switching to pre-emptive threads will make a scrap of difference. I might try it though, just for a larf.
Ironically, I’m one of those people who has been waiting for preemptive threads, but I haven’t been able to use them, or more exactly: when I use a preemptive thread, the performance is worse, not better, and when I don’t use a preemptive thread, but I’m using the tool which offers them, the performance is also worse than before.
I agree completely that the whole boat shouldn’t slow down just because these things are available but not used. But I also understand there are design issues which may mean that’s simply not possible.
The p-threads are a new feature. Some of us have waited patiently for around 20 years to have them. We can wait a little longer for them to work as we want them to. Or maybe they just won’t. I do hope they won’t be responsible for making the tool generally worse. It seems that is what has happened so far, save those who report huge speed increases for certain tasks done using the p-threads.