MBS StoreKit Shared Secret

I am making one of my MAS apps free, but with InApp Purchases. All is working so far, but Apple allows the inclusion of a 32-bit hexadecimal ‘Shared Secret’ that only they and I know — then we can tell the payment authorisation came from Apple and not a pirate.

Where in MBS StoreKit can I tell from the Apple side what the Shared Secret is for this purchase, so I can check it’s legitimacy?

Any details on how the shared secret it communicated to you?

I don’t see anything about shared secret here:

of course you can check the receipt here:

we have an IAP classes, there too.

If Apple tells you that a certain value is in the receipt file with a given key, I could add that as property.
We currently only provide the most common ones.

Apple tell you THAT you can use it, but not HOW to use it! I was assuming it might be included in the SKPaymentTransactionMBS.payment object.

Well, if you find your secret there, you have it.