

I use all declared as Int32
when I try to pull the value using str () the result is always 0
I expect values ??of type
1.28606227 with str(wrr)
0.96085112 with str(hrr)

what am I doing wrong?


    tfb = tfocallenght * barlowr
    tfbr = 206.265 * pixelsize / tfb
    asw = width * tfbr / 60
    ash = height * tfbr / 60
    wr = width / binr / resizer
    hr = height / binr / resizer
    wrr = asw / 60
    hrr = ash / 60

  msgbox(str(wrr)) // check result

Hard to tell without seeing proper values there, but my guess is that your int’s, when divided by 60, are less than 1.

An int is a whole number.

integers will not do fractional math. You need to declare them as double.

Also, str() will round numbers so it’s better to use format() when outputting doubles.

Marc’s answer is better :slight_smile:

wonderful :smiley: works !!!



Sometimes get values ??in this format
how can I get around this?


and should show


Floating point math can result in special results like “infinite” “negative infinite” and “not a number”. This isn’t a Xojo bug but a limitation of floating point arithmetic.

Thanks Andrew.

[quote=28488:@Marc Zeedar]integers will not do fractional math. You need to declare them as double.

Also, str() will round numbers so it’s better to use format() when outputting doubles.[/quote]
Not 100% true. Str accepts a second parameter identical to Format. Format will respect international settings, Str will not.

Infinite and not-a-number results usually mean you have divided by zero.