Math help needed: 2D transformation matrix

This is a screenshot next to a picture of a color measurement device app I am developing.
There are thee random reference points on the scan template, visible in the screenshot as the blue one to the upper left (selected Ref. point A) and the two black squares.

User can take the instrument’s arm and collect the “real” coordinate values as the template can be tilted or translated.
And this is where I need help. I would need to calculate a transformation matrix based on the vectors AB/BC or AB/AC and their measured values, and then apply this to the color patches to recalculate their “live” positions.
But the tutorials I found don’t nail that point. Any hints how I can achieve this in Xojo?

Thanks a lot!

OK, I found a JavaScript application I could use. But its usage troubles me. It is not compiled into a node.js, but a collection of source files. Would be nice to have it run in JavaScriptEngineMBS.
Any hints how to set it up? @Christian_Schmitz ?

It shouldn’t be hard to convert the relevant parts into Xojo. You can use an array to hold the matrix values.

I thought so too. Structures would also do.
And some of the code looks pretty straightforward. For other pieces I had to realise I don’t understand Javascript. I mean, what is something like this supposed to do?

export function fromTriangles (t1, t2) {
  // point p = first point of the triangle
  const px1 = t1[0].x != null ? t1[0].x : t1[0][0]

This one?

Its doing this:

If t1[0].x is not null
     px1 = t1[0].x
     px1 = t1[0][0]

As long as you keep things simple and don’t allow values to be nil (null) then you can simplify the code.

I would also not get bogged down with converting stuff you don’t need.

!= is <>
? x:y is IIf

i made a few matrix methods in xojo but later i continue in c#
because the matrix library is more complex and ready to use there.

if you want to rotate around a point x,y you move all to 0,0
means translate vectors via subtract, turn it via rotation matrix and push them the same distance back.
you need a angle in radians, and a distance in compare to scale something.

Vec3 Class

Public Shared Function Point(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double) As Vec3
  Return New Vec3(x,y,z,1.0)
End Function

Public Shared Function Vector(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double) As Vec3
  Return New Vec3(x,y,z,0.0)
End Function

Public Shared Function Add(a1 as Vec3, a2 as Vec3) As Vec3
  Return New Vec3(a1.x + a2.x, a1.y + a2.y, a1.z + a2.z, a1.w + a2.w)
End Function

Public Shared Function Subtract(a1 as Vec3, a2 as Vec3) As Vec3
  Return New Vec3(a1.x - a2.x, a1.y - a2.y, a1.z - a2.z, a1.w - a2.w)
End Function

Public Shared Function Negating(a as Vec3) As Vec3
  Return New Vec3(-a.x, -a.y, -a.z, -a.w)
End Function

Public Shared Function MultiplyingByScalar(a As Vec3, scalar As Double) As Vec3
  Return New Vec3(a.x * scalar, a.y * scalar, a.z * scalar, a.w * scalar)
End Function

Public Shared Function DividingByScalar(a As Vec3, scalar As Double) As Vec3
  Return New Vec3(a.x / scalar, a.y / scalar, a.z / scalar, a.w / scalar)
End Function

Public Shared Function Magnitute(a as Vec3) As Double
  Return Sqrt((a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y) + (a.z * a.z) + (a.w * a.w))
End Function

Public Shared Function Normalize(a As Vec3) As Vec3
  Var magnitute As Double = Magnitute(a)
  If magnitute = 0.0 Then
    Return New Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    Return New Vec3(a.x / magnitute, a.y / magnitute, a.z / magnitute, a.w / magnitute)
  End If
End Function

Public Shared Function DotProduct(a as Vec3, b as Vec3) As Double
  'auch als Scalar Produkt genannt
  Return (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z + a.w * b.w)
End Function

Public Shared Function CrossProduct(a as Vec3, b as Vec3) As Vec3
  Return Vec3.Vector(a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y, a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z, a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x)
End Function

Public Shared Function Length(a as Vec3) As Double
  Return Magnitute(a)
End Function

Public Shared Function Reflect(v As Vec3, n As Vec3, bounce As Double) As Vec3
  ' Vnew = bounce * ( -2*(V dot N)*N + V )
  ' where bounce=0.0 means no bounce, and bounce=1.0 means no loss of speed.
  Var dotproduct As Double = DotProduct(v, n)
  Return Vec3.Add(Vec3.MultiplyingByScalar(Vec3.MultiplyingByScalar(n, -2.0 * dotproduct), bounce),v)
End Function

Public Sub Constructor()
  Self.x = 0.0
  Self.y = 0.0
  Self.z = 0.0
  Self.w = 0.0
End Sub

Public Sub Constructor(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double, w As Double)
  Self.x = x
  Self.y = y
  Self.z = z
  Self.w = w 
End Sub

Public Sub Debug()
  System.DebugLog "X = " + x.ToString + " Y = " + y.ToString + " Z = " + z.ToString  
End Sub

Public Property x As Double = 0

Public Property y As Double = 0

Public Property w As Double = 0

Public Property z As Double = 0

Ray Class

Private Sub Constructor()
End Sub

Public Sub Constructor(origin As Vec3, direction As Vec3)
  Self.Origin = Vec3.Point(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z) 'a point
  Self.Direction = Vec3.Vector(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z) 'a vector
End Sub

Public Property Origin As Vec3

Public Property Direction As Vec3

Public Shared Function Position(ray As Ray, t As Double) As Vec3
  ' t = time
  Var totalDistance As Vec3 = Vec3.MultiplyingByScalar(ray.Direction, t)
  Return Vec3.Add(ray.Origin, totalDistance)
End Function

Public Shared Function Transform(ray As Ray, m(, ) As Double) As Ray
  Var ray2 As New Ray(Vec3.Point(0,0,0),Vec3.Vector(0,0,0))
  ray2.Origin = MatrixMultiplyTuple(m, ray.Origin)
  ray2.Direction = MatrixMultiplyTuple(m, ray.Direction)
  Return ray2
End Function


Public Function Matrix4x4() As double(,)
  'Row, Column
  '0-3, 0-3
  Var m(3,3) As Double
  Return m
  'eine 3x5 Matrix hat 3 Reihen und 5 Spalten
End Function

Public Function MatrixCustomized(rows As Integer, columns As Integer) As double(,)
  'Row, Column
  Var m(-1, -1) As Double
  m.ResizeTo(rows-1, columns-1) 
  Return m
  'eine 3x5 Matrix hat 3 Reihen und 5 Spalten
End Function

Public Sub MatrixDebug(m(, ) As Double)
  System.DebugLog "Debug Matrix"
  For row As Integer = 0 To 3
    Var rowStr As String = "row (" + row.ToString + ")"
    For col As Integer = 0 To 3
      rowStr = rowStr + " , " + Str(m(row,col))
    System.DebugLog rowStr
End Sub

Public Function MatrixEquality(a(, ) As Double, b(, ) As Double) As Boolean
  'Gleichheit prüfen
  Var equality As Boolean = True
  For row As Integer = 0 To 3
    For col As Integer = 0 To 3
      If Equal(a(row, col), b(row, col)) Then
        equality = False
      End If
    If equality = False Then Exit
  Return equality 
End Function

Public Sub MatrixIdentity(m(, ) As Double)
  For row As Integer = 0 To 3
    For col As Integer = 0 To 3
      m(row,col) = 0.0
  'diagonal 1
  m(0, 0) = 1.0
  m(1, 1) = 1.0
  m(2, 2) = 1.0
  m(3, 3) = 1.0
End Sub

Public Function MatrixMultiply(a(, ) As Double, b(, ) As Double) As Double(,)
  Var c(3,3) As Double
  For row As Integer = 0 To 3
    For col As Integer = 0 To 3
      c(row,col) = a(row, 0) * b(0, col) + a(row, 1) * b(1, col) + a(row, 2) * b(2, col) + a(row, 3) * b(3, col) 
  Return c
End Function

Public Function MatrixMultiplyTuple(m(, ) As Double, v As Vec3) As Vec3
  Var vout As New Vec3
  ' immer eine Reihe der Matrix mit einer Spalte des Tuple
  vout.x = Vec3.DotProduct(New vec3(m(0,0),m(0,1),m(0,2),m(0,3)), v)
  vout.y = Vec3.DotProduct(New vec3(m(1,0),m(1,1),m(1,2),m(1,3)), v)
  vout.z = Vec3.DotProduct(New vec3(m(2,0),m(2,1),m(2,2),m(2,3)), v)
  vout.w = Vec3.DotProduct(New vec3(m(3,0),m(3,1),m(3,2),m(3,3)), v)
  Return vout
End Function

Public Function MatrixRotationX(radians As Double) As Double(,)
  ' drehen um die X Achse
  Var m(-1,-1) As Double = Matrix4x4()
  Return m
End Function

Public Function MatrixRotationY(radians As Double) As Double(,)
  ' drehen um die Y Achse
  Var m(-1,-1) As Double = Matrix4x4()
  m(2,2)= Cos(radians)
  Return m
End Function

Public Function MatrixRotationZ(radians As Double) As Double(,)
  ' drehen um die Z Achse
  Var m(-1,-1) As Double = Matrix4x4()
  m(0,0)= Cos(radians)
  m(1,0)= Sin(radians)
  m(1,1)= Cos(radians)
  Return m
End Function

Public Function MatrixScaling(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double) As double(,)
  ' zum scalieren
  Var m(-1,-1) As Double = Matrix4x4()
  Return m
End Function

Public Function MatrixShearing(xy As Double, xz As Double, yx As Double, yz As Double, zx As Double, zy As Double) As Double(,)
  Var m(-1,-1) As Double = Matrix4x4()
  m(0,1)= xy
  m(0,2)= xz
  m(1,0)= yx
  m(1,2)= yz
  m(2,0)= zx
  m(2,1)= zy
  Return m
End Function

Public Function MatrixTranslation(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double) As double(,)
  ' zum verschieben
  Var m(-1,-1) As Double = Matrix4x4()
  Return m
End Function

Public Function MatrixTranspose(a(, ) As Double) As Double(,)
  'rows into columns and columns into rows
  Var m(3,3) As Double
  For row As Integer = 0 To 3
    For col As Integer = 0 To 3
      m(col, row) = a(row, col)
  Return m 
End Function

Protected Property EPSILON As Double = 0.00001

Public Function Clamp(x As double, _min As Double, _max As Double) As Double
  If (x < _min) Then Return _min
  If (x > _max) Then Return _max
  Return x
End Function

Public Function DegreesToRadians(degrees As Double) As Double
  Return degrees * Math.PI / 180.0
End Function

Public Function Equal(a As Double, b As Double) As Boolean
  If Abs(a-b)<EPSILON Then
    Return True
    Return False
  End If

End Function

Math Module

Public Property PI As Double = 3.14159265359

Thanks a lot, all!
I started to rewrite the JS library in Xojo (it has exactly the features I need, plus a few more) and am partially successful. Some unit tests perform like expected, some others fail and I don’t see the reason currently.
Maybe it lies in the weird parameter handling for a Matrix depending on

declare module 'transformation-matrix' {
  type Matrix = {
    a: number;
    b: number;
    c: number;
    d: number;
    e: number;
    f: number;

Which I read as a structure with the double parameters in alphabetical order.

Many functions export this like here, with a weird mixture of double parameters:

export function shear (shx, shy) {
  return {
    a: 1,
    c: shx,
    e: 0,
    b: shy,
    d: 1,
    f: 0

Is that order of importance – will it set {1, shx, 0, shy, 1, 0} or do I have to take the parameter names into account, writing {1, shy, shx, 1, 0,0}?

i think this a: is like a property name.

Thanks again. Turned out it was me, comparing double values too exactly. Now only combined transforms do not work. Here I must be getting something wrong about the recursion the Javascript developer uses for chained matrix multiplies.

Still have the combined transform error, but besides that everything else looks nice. Thanks a lot again!
Think I’ll add a graphic display to see the results in 2D – let me know if someone should need this stuff in pure Xojo too.