I need some advice please.
This is something I have coded in C++ in years past - but would like to implement in Xojo.
Basically…I want to manipulate satellite images that are in GeoTIFF format. They are all identical - only the wavelength is different for each file (Red, Blue, Green, Near-Infrared…etc). I want to calculate products from them using simple formulas. For example - NDVI (a measure of photosynthesis):
NDVI = (NIR - RED) / (NIR + RED)
So…if I have two GeoTIFF images (RED and NIR) and I want to create a new GeoTIFF output file called NDVI…is there a library available that retains the georeferenced values stored in the header that might be needed by users wanting to inport the product (NDVI in this example) into a Geographical Information System (GIS) package?
Googling told me this about GeoTIFF: " GeoTIFF is format extension for storing georeference and geocoding information in a TIFF 6.0 compliant raster file by tying a raster image to a known model space or map projection. A GeoTIFF file is a TIFF 6.0 [TIFF_6] file, and inherits the file structure as described in the corresponding portion of the TIFF spec. The GeoTIFF format uses a defined set of TIFF tags to describe cartographic information associated with TIFF imagery that originates from satellite imaging systems, scanned aerial photography, scanned maps, digital elevation models, or as a result of geographic analyses."
If you have the MBS plugins the TiffPictureMBS class will probably have everything you need.
Thanks Keving. My existing knowledge of the GeoTIFF file structure is pretty good…just not the Xojo-specific tools to manipulate them. I will explore the MBS plugin you mention.