Making a shell script survive quit

I need to start a shell script that survives quit of the calling application. I can do this on Mac/Linux with the nohup command like this:

nohup myscript &

That works perfectly, and I understand that this is the natural way things work on Windows anyway, but need to test that. What I’m looking for is a simple script that will take some time to run (say 10 seconds) and will do something trivial but measurable like write to a log file. Can someone give me a suggestion?

(Note: I never, ever create Windows shell scripts so I am learning the language for the first time.)

In windows, you can write a .BAT file to %tmp% and then use ShellExecuteEX with the SEE_MASK_ASYNCOK flag set. This works for me.

These are two functions (ShellWait and ShellDontWait) I use frequently (in my RB2007, so may need some changes for Xojo). Never know it helps somehow :slight_smile:

Function ShellDontWait(sInCommandline as String, Visible as Boolean) As Boolean
  #if targetWin32 then
    Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (lpApplicationName As integer, lpCommandLine As cString, lpProcessAttributes As integer, lpThreadAttributes As integer, bInheritHandles As integer, dwCreationFlags As integer, lpEnvironment As integer, lpCurrentDirectory As cstring, lpStartupInfo As ptr, lpProcessInformation As ptr) As integer
    Const SW_HIDE = 0
    Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
    Dim Ret As integer
    Dim StartInf As memoryblock
    Dim Proc as MemoryBlock
    Startinf = newmemoryBlock(76)
    Startinf.long(44) = 1 /// set flags to use showwindow
    If Visible then
      Startinf.long(48) = SW_SHOWNORMAL
      Startinf.long(48) = SW_HIDE
    Proc = newmemoryBlock(16)
    StartInf.long(0) = StartInf.size
    Ret = CreateProcessA(0,sInCommandline, 0, 0, 1,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0, "C:\", StartInf, Proc) //replace C:\\ with your desired working directory
    Return True
End Function
Function ShellWait(sInCommandline as String, Visible as Boolean) As Boolean
  #if targetWin32 then
    Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (lpApplicationName As integer, lpCommandLine As cString, lpProcessAttributes As integer, lpThreadAttributes As integer, bInheritHandles As integer, dwCreationFlags As integer, lpEnvironment As integer, lpCurrentDirectory As cstring, lpStartupInfo As ptr, lpProcessInformation As ptr) As integer
    Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (dwMilliseconds As integer)
    Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (hHandle As integer, dwMilliseconds As integer) As integer
    Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (hObject As integer) As integer
    Const SW_HIDE = 0
    Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
    Const WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0
    Const WAIT_TIMEOUT = &H102
    Dim Ret As integer
    Dim StartInf As memoryblock
    Dim Proc as MemoryBlock
    Startinf = newmemoryBlock(76)
    Startinf.long(44) = 1 /// set flags to use showwindow
    If Visible then
      Startinf.long(48) = SW_SHOWNORMAL
      Startinf.long(48) = SW_HIDE
    Proc = newmemoryBlock(16)
    StartInf.long(0) = StartInf.size
    Ret = CreateProcessA(0,sInCommandline, 0, 0, 1,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0, "C:\", StartInf, Proc) //replace C:\\ with your desired working directory
    If Ret <> 0 then
        Ret = WaitForSingleObject(proc.long(0), 300) /// longer than 5000 will cause app to show as 'not responding' in the task list
        if Ret = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
          /// Application has terminated
          Ret = CloseHandle(proc.long(0))
          return true
        elseif Ret = WAIT_TIMEOUT then
          /// keep waiting
          Ret = CloseHandle(proc.long(0))
          return false
      /// bad command line
      return false
End Function

Thanks to both of you, I will review these both.

I still need a simple script that I can use to make sure that it’s running after my app quits though.

windows 7 and 8 batch files have a TIMEOUT command, but earlier versions did not, so folks would make do with a PING command to localhost as a way to fake a delay.

You could use something like this:

echo "here we go, waiting 10 seconds"
echo "hit any key to exit"


OH, I never thought of this. So, unlike in Mac/Linux, I can create a BAT file, tell it to open, then let me app quit. I’ve seen other apps on Windows use the shell this way, so this is acceptable on that platform, yes?

Yes :slight_smile:

Fantastic. Thanks for your help.

Now I just have to figure out how to write the actual script. :slight_smile:

[quote=150408:@Alain Bailleul]These are two functions (ShellWait and ShellDontWait) I use frequently (in my RB2007, so may need some changes for Xojo). Never know it helps somehow :slight_smile:

Function ShellDontWait(sInCommandline as String, Visible as Boolean) As Boolean
  #if targetWin32 then
    Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (lpApplicationName As integer, lpCommandLine As cString, lpProcessAttributes As integer, lpThreadAttributes As integer, bInheritHandles As integer, dwCreationFlags As integer, lpEnvironment As integer, lpCurrentDirectory As cstring, lpStartupInfo As ptr, lpProcessInformation As ptr) As integer
    Const SW_HIDE = 0
    Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
    Dim Ret As integer
    Dim StartInf As memoryblock
    Dim Proc as MemoryBlock
    Startinf = newmemoryBlock(76)
    Startinf.long(44) = 1 /// set flags to use showwindow
    If Visible then
      Startinf.long(48) = SW_SHOWNORMAL
      Startinf.long(48) = SW_HIDE
    Proc = newmemoryBlock(16)
    StartInf.long(0) = StartInf.size
    Ret = CreateProcessA(0,sInCommandline, 0, 0, 1,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0, "C:\", StartInf, Proc) //replace C:\\ with your desired working directory
    Return True
End Function

Function ShellWait(sInCommandline as String, Visible as Boolean) As Boolean
#if targetWin32 then

Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (lpApplicationName As integer, lpCommandLine As cString, lpProcessAttributes As integer, lpThreadAttributes As integer, bInheritHandles As integer, dwCreationFlags As integer, lpEnvironment As integer, lpCurrentDirectory As cstring, lpStartupInfo As ptr, lpProcessInformation As ptr) As integer

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (dwMilliseconds As integer)
Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (hHandle As integer, dwMilliseconds As integer) As integer
Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (hObject As integer) As integer

Const SW_HIDE = 0
Const WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0
Const WAIT_TIMEOUT = &H102

Dim Ret As integer
Dim StartInf As memoryblock
Dim Proc as MemoryBlock

Startinf = newmemoryBlock(76)

Startinf.long(44) = 1 /// set flags to use showwindow
If Visible then
  Startinf.long(48) = SW_SHOWNORMAL
  Startinf.long(48) = SW_HIDE
Proc = newmemoryBlock(16)
StartInf.long(0) = StartInf.size

Ret = CreateProcessA(0,sInCommandline, 0, 0, 1,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0, "C:\", StartInf, Proc) //replace C:\\ with your desired working directory

If Ret <> 0 then
    Ret = WaitForSingleObject(proc.long(0), 300) /// longer than 5000 will cause app to show as 'not responding' in the task list
    if Ret = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
      /// Application has terminated
      Ret = CloseHandle(proc.long(0))
      return true
    elseif Ret = WAIT_TIMEOUT then
      /// keep waiting
      Ret = CloseHandle(proc.long(0))
      return false
  /// bad command line
  return false

End Function

I guess the code below will do the same.

  Dim oWshShell As OleObject
  Dim intRun As Integer
  // oWshShell.Run(strCommand, [intWindowStyle], [bWaitOnReturn])
  // When bWaitOnReturn is True wait till notepad is closed 
  // When bWaitOnReturn is False continue the code and display msgbox
  // More informations see:
  // Opens notepad and first Display Msgbox when notepad is closed
  oWshShell = New Oleobject("WScript.Shell")
  intRun = oWshShell.Run("notepad ", 1, true)  
  Msgbox("Return Value: "+str(intRun))
  exception err as oleexception
  msgbox err.message
  oWshShell = Nil

Just to follow up, I didn’t have to do anything fancy on Windows. I just save the BAT file and call it from a a Shell. It survives the application quit.

Mmm or just use “start” - then you won’t need any batch file.


start notepad.exe

You should be able to use windows scheduler at command invoked from a shell.

Dim oWshShell As OleObject
  Dim intRun As Integer
  // oWshShell.Run(strCommand, [intWindowStyle], [bWaitOnReturn])
  // When bWaitOnReturn is True wait till notepad is closed 
  // When bWaitOnReturn is False continue the code and display msgbox
  // More informations see:
  // Runs MyProgram from Windows Scheduler
  // at command see:

  oWshShell = New Oleobject("WScript.Shell")
  // Schedule job
  intRun = oWshShell.Run("at 20:00 /every:M,T,W,Th,F cmd /c  MyProgram.exe", 0, true)  
  Msgbox("Return Value: "+str(intRun))
  exception err as oleexception
  msgbox err.message
  oWshShell = Nil

[quote=156848:@John Hansen]You should be able to use windows scheduler at command invoked from a shell.

Dim oWshShell As OleObject
Dim intRun As Integer

// oWshShell.Run(strCommand, [intWindowStyle], [bWaitOnReturn])
// When bWaitOnReturn is True wait till notepad is closed
// When bWaitOnReturn is False continue the code and display msgbox
// More informations see:

// Runs MyProgram from Windows Scheduler
// at command see:

oWshShell = New Oleobject(“WScript.Shell”)
// Schedule job
intRun = oWshShell.Run(“at 20:00 /every:M,T,W,Th,F cmd /c MyProgram.exe”, 0, true)

Msgbox("Return Value: "+str(intRun))

exception err as oleexception
msgbox err.message
oWshShell = Nil[/quote]

Oops… Too fast to submit, and edit mode did not work. Only the comments in code should have been changed. attached new one:

  // Runs MyProgram from Windows Scheduler
  // Windows Scheduler 'at' command see:

  Dim oWshShell As OleObject
  Dim intRun As Integer
  oWshShell = New Oleobject("WScript.Shell")
  // Schedule job
  intRun = oWshShell.Run("at 20:00 /every:M,T,W,Th,F cmd /c  MyProgram.exe", 0, true)  
  Msgbox("Return Value: "+str(intRun))
  oWshShell = Nil

  exception err as oleexception
  msgbox err.message

I remember Norman explained in some thread the difference between the shell in Mac OS X and Windows, which resulted in the process being tied to the parent in Unix, but not in Windows.

Coming from the future, if anyone else finds this question, an easy way is to run “cmd /c EXE”.


Dim s As Shell
s = New Shell
s.Execute("cmd /c my_executable_file)


Dim s As Shell
s = New Shell
s.Execute("cmd /c """ + exefile.NativePath + """")

On windows there is no actual concept of parenting. Say you have desktop application with a shell class running a console application.

Once the shell is running the console app, and the desktop app quits, the console app remains running.
So you could even use a console app to do what you want or a batch script…

On other platforms (linux, mac) you need to deamonize to get this to work.

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FYI, this thread was created while I was trying to figure out how to make Kaju work. Kaju does this, i.e., creates a shell script that survives quit, on all platforms.

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Copy Mike’s code into a text editor and save it as a .bat file.

Edit: actually, that doesn’t seem to be working in a Shell.

If you use the START command with your .bat file or .exe, it separates the command from your app, so it will survive your app quitting.


Please explain the benefit to creating a separate BAT file to launch your shell script using the START command rather than launching the shell script directly using the method I gave above, specifically

s.Execute("cmd /c """ + exefile.NativePath + """")

I use the above, and if it’s going to cause problems I’d like to know.

