make a dmg file

Any recommandation for making a dmg file in Mac OS X? I would like to make program installation process just like XOJO dmg file, which looks like, double click the dmg file, a window popup and let you drag the folder into Application folder, done.


There are lots of tools that can create DMG files. Even Disk Utility (included with OS X can do it). I most often use DMG Canvas.

I tried Disk Utility, for me, it’s just like a zip file maker, you make a container, put your program in it. When you open it, just like open a folder, and you have to copy the app program out. It doesn’t like to have the function I mentioned. Does DMG canvas can have that function?

File Storm, by MindVision
It’s by far the easiest one to use that I have found.

[quote=47358:@Roger Clary]File Storm, by MindVision
It’s by far the easiest one to use that I have found.[/quote]
Thanks, but somehow, I cannot install it. After I double click the icon, it said something about unsigned app, then nothing happened.

Check your security settings. You may have to allow unsigned apps.

I’m with Paul. We use DMG Canvas all the time. In addition to the utility, it has a command line interface that we use in our PostBuild script to make the dmg automatically for us when we do a build.

If you DL’ed the latest version of FileStorm, it sounds like MindVision is no longer supporting it Pity. Anyhow, as Bob alluded, you can still open an unsigned app on 10.7 or higher. You can change your security settings, or, on an individual basis, right click the icon and select ‘Open’. You can give permission on a case by case basis without changing your global settings.

I tried all apps but DMG Canvas is just about the best you can get.

If you don’t want to use 3rd party tools (well, maybe apart from Xcode when it comes to CodeSigning), then you can do it all with “macOS built in” tools.
Here’s a Post Build Script example.