MacOSX Gatekeeper and Console apps

Apple continues to make by-passing GateKeeper more difficult… which is no problem for desktop apps that can be signed and notarized.

Has anyone found a way to sign and notarize Console apps?

Console apps can be signed the same way as desktop apps.

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Yes they can be signed but can they be notarized?

Why not?
A little bit older, some tools have been replaced with newer ones, but this might be a good starting point:

Thanks Thomas I will check it out… but not hopeful as Xojo does not actually build an .app.

Xojo made console apps are trickier to code sign because of how they’re made, but I did spend a lot of time adapting App Wrapper to sign them.

If you run into problems with using App Wrapper let me know.


Sam… I am able to sign the app but not Notarize. Can App Wrapper now Notarize them?

A while back I ran into some issues with python console apps when I tried to notarize them with AppWrapper. The notarization process corrupted the apps. Haven’t tried on the new version though.